me siento muy excited

A Brave Soul Finally Asked J.Lo About ‘Mi Gente Latino’

A picture’s worth a thousand words. Or at least three. Photo: American Music Awards

If you’re asking a superstar, who’s going through a lot personally, about a meme where people are essentially making fun of them, it’s expected to be awkward, at the very minimum. So when Argentinan interviewer Javier Ponzone asked Jennifer Lopez if they could say the phrase “Mi Gente Latino,” in reference to the meme, at a press junket, thankfully, Lopez smiled and sought clarification. “Can you explain to me why that’s funny?” Lopez asked before giggling. Much to Lopez’s relief, Ponzone tried explaining how it became an iconic meme in the Latino community, and she breathed a sigh of relief a little too early. “I thought they were making fun of me,” Lopez laughed before reminding us she’s from New York. Sorry Jen, people still kind of are teasing; the phrase is supposed to be “mi gente latina,” but the meme has transcended the need for language correction. It’s now more of just a fun way to celebrate Latin American wins. And what’s more of a “mi gente Latino” moment than J.Lo repeating the phrase for old-time’s sake?

A Brave Soul Finally Asked J.Lo About ‘Mi Gente Latino’