i'm just a broadway baby

Quentin Tarantino Prefers the The-a-ter Right Now

Playwright. Photo: Taylor Hill/FilmMagic

Once upon a time on Broadway … Quentin Tarantino is so over movies. “When it comes to being a filmmaker, I’ve pretty much done everything I’ve wanted to do,” he told Elvis Mitchell during a live interview at Sundance. So he’s treadin’ the boards instead. “I’m excited about doing a play because pulling it off is a big fucking deal and that’s a challenge and exciting,” he continued. There is no confirmation about what the play will be about, but we do think Tarantino should cast Patti LuPone. They would get along famously!

The crux of the change for Tarantino is that the experience of theater is still unsullied, whereas with movies, people are on their phones and the theatrical window is teeny tiny. “Theater you can’t do that, and yeah, they pay a lot of money,” he said. “But you can’t tape it. There is no cell phone. You own the audience for the duration of the play every night. It’s a great night out. It’s worth it for them. That’s fucking exciting!” Maybe Tarantino should ask his future close collaborator Patti LuPone about whether or not people know how to act in the theater. She might give him a different answer.

Quentin Tarantino Prefers the The-a-ter Right Now