Lin-Manuel Miranda was not throwing away his shot … to be on Timothée Chalamet’s double-duty episode of Saturday Night Live. Miranda crashed a Founding Fathers cold open dressed as Alexander Hamilton, rapping about his vision for this country: “And we will have leaders, but know one thing / In America, we will never have a king!” Enter Donald Trump (James Austin Johnson), who mused, “Never say never.”
For a guy who claims to be so concerned about protecting free speech and stopping government censorship, Johnson’s Trump seemed delighted to personally silence Miranda. The president reflected on how his vision for workplaces aligns with the “Stanley culture” of The Office, explained the seating arrangement at his inauguration (“broligarchs before hoeligarchs”), and joked about his first week in office. “Oh, look at Lin. Look how bad he wants to do a rap,” Johnson said, adding, “He’s in sniffing distance of an EGOT and he’s gotta stand there ‘til I’m done.” Guess that’s what happens when you’re not one of Trump’s special Hollywood envoys.