Craig Jenkins is a critic who writes about music and television and comedy and video games. He was a 2021 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Criticism.
grammys 2020
It’s a Whole New Era for the GrammysThe 2020 nominations are a noteworthy change of pace for a show that has caught hell for choosing the old guard, like Taylor Swift, over new talent.
R.E.M. Never Meant to Get So BigMichael Stipe and Mike Mills reflect on Monster at 25, the real Kurt Cobain, and Billie Eilish’s impact.
radio vulture
Drake Will Be FineAll of this comes from a place of generalized disbelief that there could be a crowd somewhere that loves rap but doesn’t unilaterally love Drake.
R&B’s Future Sounds a Lot Like Its PastHow newcomers like Summer Walker and Ari Lennox look to R&B’s history to outline a new path for young black creatives.