Eric Levitz Author Archive

Eric Levitz

Features Writer, Intelligencer

Eric Levitz is a features writer for Intelligencer. He covers politics and economics.

  1. politics
    Coronavirus Exposes the Virulence of American ConservatismAs British conservatives push historic aid to keep workers employed, the GOP is fighting to let bailed-out corporations cut staff.
  2. the economy
    The GOP’s Relief Bill Is Too Right-Wing for the Right’s Own GoodRepublican penny-pinching could doom Trump — and American capitalism as we’ve known it.
  3. democrats
    Democrats Need to Stop Worrying and Give Everyone Free MoneyIt’s more important for economic relief to be rapid and comprehensive than precisely targeted.
  4. coronavirus
    We’re Lucky the Coronavirus Isn’t a Prolific Child KillerGiven our lack of preparedness, a disaster like this was inevitable. We’re lucky the one we got has a low fatality rate among children.
  5. coronavirus
    Senate Passes Coronavirus Relief Bill, Plans $1.3 Trillion SequelThe legislation would provide some workers with paid sick and family leave, and boost unemployment benefits and food assistance.
  6. intelligencer chats
    Does Congress Have It Right on the Coronavirus Bailout?Suddenly, a version of universal basic income is a mainstream idea — and Republicans are championing it.
  7. coronavirus
    Who Should Get a Coronavirus Bailout and How?Congress needs to go big or the economy’s going to hell.
  8. coronavirus
    In the Age of the Coronavirus, Biden’s ‘Results’ Require Bernie’s ‘Revolution’At Sunday’s debate, Joe Biden promised to make every American hurt by the pandemic “whole” without making radical change. That’s impossible.
  9. coronavirus
    The GOP’s Ideological Sickness Is Going to Get People KilledRepublicans are too obsessed with fighting imaginary crises to deal with the actual one that coronavirus presents.
  10. coronavirus
    Why Isn’t Trump in Quarantine?The president recently met with Jair Bolsonaro’s aide, who tested positive for coronavirus.
  11. vision 2020
    Biden Displays Unpresidential Competence in Coronavirus RemarksIn a marked departure from modern presidential norms, Biden opted to avoid spreading misinformation in his remarks on the pandemic.
  12. mitch mcconnell
    McConnell (Reluctantly) Nixes Vacation Plans to Work on Virus BillEarlier Thursday, the GOP leader said the Senate would wait until after recess to legislate a response to the coronavirus pandemic.
  13. vision 2020
    Joe Biden Is a Tool (But Progressives Can Use Him)Biden’s (likely) nomination is cause for disappointment but not despair.
  14. vision 2020
    Joe Biden Is Winning The Primary But Losing His Party’s FutureBiden dominated again Tuesday night. But Sanders’s resilient strength among younger voters is a force that he must reckon with.
  15. markets
    Markets Rebound After Trump Signals He Intends to Do His JobTrump stopped tweeting QAnon memes long enough to promise stimulus to aid recovery from the coronavirus crash. For a couple hours, investors rejoiced.
  16. vision 2020
    As the Economy Weakens, the Case for Bernie Grows StrongerA pandemic and market crash have lent the Sanders campaign new purpose, even as it has been sliding out of contention.
  17. intelligencer chats
    What Doomed Elizabeth Warren’s Candidacy?Trying to figure out why a one-time front-runner never quite hit liftoff.
  18. coronavirus
    Coronavirus Exposes the Sickness of America’s Shoddy Welfare StateDenying millions of Americans health care and leave has always imposed costs on society as a whole, but an epidemic makes those costs more visible.
  19. super tuesday
    Bernie’s Revolution Failed. But His Movement Can Still Win.Super Tuesday disproved the senator’s theory of electoral politics. But if the left learns from his mistakes, victory remains possible.
  20. vision 2020
    No Marketing Budget Could Sell a Product As Bad As Bloomberg 2020But a less egotistical billionaire may one day put Bloomberg’s blueprint for plutocracy to better use.
  21. super tuesday
    Bernie Sanders Is Still in a Remarkably Strong PositionSanders is poised to be co-front-runner after Super Tuesday, even in a bad-case scenario. A year ago, socialists would have taken that in heartbeat.
  22. coronavirus
    How Coronavirus Could Tank the Economy — and Trump’s Odds of ReelectionIf the outbreak escapes containment in North America, U.S. economic growth could fall to roughly zero, according to a new OECD report.
  23. coronavirus
    Does Trump Know Senate Republicans Can’t Make the Coronavirus Go Away?The president seems to be operating on the delusion that he can lie his way out of a pandemic just like he did with impeachment.
  24. global politics
    Across the World, Voters Are Losing Faith in GovernmentThe percentage of citizens who believe that “the state is run for the benefit of all” has plummeted in a wide array of countries since 2002.
  25. vision 2020
    Why Bernie May Benefit From the Threat of a Contested ConventionBy vowing to deny Sanders the nomination if he wins a mere plurality of delegates, Democratic elites may accidentally deliver him a majority.
  26. trump administration
    Trump Insists on Paying for Coronavirus Prep by Taking Heating Aid From PoorThe White House’s neurotic obsession with hurting the disadvantaged is going to get us all killed (or, at least, many of us needlessly ill).
  27. vision 2020
    5 Ways a Coronavirus Pandemic Could Change the 2020 ElectionThe bug could expose Trump’s misrule and ruin his economic record — or validate his xenophobia and gift him a burst of catch-up growth this fall.
  28. democratic debates
    Who Won (and Lost) the Democratic Debate in South CarolinaElizabeth Warren didn’t quite deliver the blockbuster performance she needed, while Joe Biden did just enough to stay on course.
  29. bernie sanders
    Bernie Praised Fidel Castro’s Education System. So Did Obama.Sanders’s kind words for Cuba’s literacy program make him a “communist” only if George W. Bush’s praise of the Saudis makes him an Islamist.
  30. authoritarianism
    President Trump Has Never Been More Dangerous Than He Is NowIn the aftermath of impeachment, Trump’s poll numbers have been rising in tandem with his assaults on democracy.
  31. vision 2020
    Love Wanting to Die? Then Check Out Bloomberg’s Anti-Trump BillboardsLook on Mike’s works, ye Mighty, and despair.
  32. vision 2020
    5 Key Questions Raised by the Democrats’ Nevada DebateNevertheless, can Elizabeth Warren persist?
  33. democratic debates
    Who Won (and Lost) the Democratic Debate in NevadaElizabeth Warren raged against the dying of her campaign’s light, while Michael Bloomberg withered under scrutiny.
  34. vision 2020
    Sanders Considered Primarying Obama in 2012: ReportBefore Harry Reid intervened, Sanders reportedly planned to challenge Obama over his openness to Social Security cuts.
  35. vision 2020
    Bernie Sanders Opens Up Double-Digit National LeadBut Michael Bloomberg is surging in Super Tuesday states.
  36. vision 2020
    There Is a Case for Bloomberg. It’s Just Bleak As Hell.Democrats are mulling a big gamble on the power of extraordinary wealth to bend our democracy to its will.
  37. vision 2020
    This One Chart Explains Why the Kids Back BernieToday’s version of American capitalism can’t give the rising generation of college graduates what they were promised.
  38. vision 2020
    The Price of a Bloomberg Nomination Is Too Damn HighDemocrats must recognize that their party’s soul is worth more than Michael Bloomberg can afford.
  39. vision 2020
    Bernie Sanders Must Pivot to the Senior CenterTo win the nomination, Sanders must broaden his appeal among normie Democrats. He should start with his peers.
  40. vision 2020
    New Hampshire Just Ushered in a Bernie Versus Bloomberg Title FightThe arc of the Democratic race bends toward battle between two very different old, independent Jewish politicians.
  41. labor
    VA Democrats Kill Pro-Union Bill After Learning CEOs Oppose ItRight-to-work repeal failed after a fiscal estimate predicted it would cost the state millions. But that estimate was based on a CEO survey.
  42. democratic primaries
    Pete Buttigieg’s Vow to Cut the Deficit Is Fiscally IrresponsibleThere’s nothing “responsible” about encouraging the superstitious fear of deficits that’s done incalculable harm to our economy and planet.
  43. vision 2020
    How Likely Is a Contested Convention, Really?Intelligencer staffers discuss the possibility that the Democratic primary will have a very old-school denouement.
  44. president trump
    The Insane Criminal President Held a Party TodayTrump celebrated his newly confirmed immunity from constitutional accountability by subjecting the country to his stream-of-consciousness gloating.
  45. vision 2020
    Trump Isn’t a Moderate, But He Plays One on TVThe president’s appeals to black voters and economic liberals in last night’s address were mendacious. They may prove effective anyway.
  46. vision 2020
    The Iowa Caucus Results Suggest We’re in for a Long, Strange PrimaryJoe Biden’s weak showing — and Pete Buttigieg’s strong one — will likely keep the Democratic-primary fight crowded and long.
  47. iowa caucuses
    Donald Trump Is Winning the 2020 Democratic PrimaryThe Democratic Party turned the Iowa caucuses into an infomercial for its incompetence and internal divisions.
  48. iowa caucuses
    After Monday’s Fiasco, the Iowa Caucuses Deserve to DieThe Hawkeye state’s quadrennial ritual deserves the death penalty for Monday night’s display of criminal negligence.
  49. iowa caucuses
    Why the Iowa Caucuses Are Biased Against Your CandidateThe Democratic primary’s bizarre and arbitrary opening contest gives every contender some cause for complaint.
  50. vision 2020
    Why Pete Buttigieg’s Paeans to the ‘Heartland’ Are NonsensicalThe idea that landlocked states possess unique moral virtues is objectively stupid and, for Democrats, politically counterproductive.
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