Jonathan Chait Author Archive

Jonathan Chait

Political Columnist, Intelligencer

Jonathan Chait has been a political columnist at New York since 2011 and writes the newsletter &c. He is the author of Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail.

  1. the national interest
    Centrist Democrats Won’t Even Let Biden Crack Down on Tax CheatsThe Democratic agenda is getting eaten alive by lobbyists.
  2. the national interest
    No, the Richest One Percent Don’t Pay 40 Percent of the Taxes.A misleading conservative talking point that refuses to die.
  3. the national interest
    What If We Had a Class War and Nobody Noticed?Biden’s Washington is a huge fight over whether trillions go to the rich or the working class.
  4. politics
    DeSantis and the Agony of the Anti-Anti-Anti-Vaxx RepublicanThe GOP-elite darling tries to walk a careful line, and falls off.
  5. the national interest
    9/11 Made the Media Whitewash What Really Happened in Bush v. GoreThe recount was published during the post-9/11 frenzy, and the myth endured.
  6. the national interest
    The Wealth Lobby Is Buying Up Democrats to Defeat Biden’s Tax Reform“One of the biggest scams in the history of forever.”
  7. the national interest
    Texas Abortion Law Turns ‘Principled’ Conservative Legalism Into a JokeRemember National Review’s freakout over Biden’s eviction moratorium?
  8. the national interest
    Joe Manchin Has Put Biden’s Presidency in Mortal DangerManchin calls for a “pause” when Democrats need to move fast.
  9. the national interest
    Sweetgreen’s CEO Thinks Salads Work Better Than VaccinesElite health fetish as denial of social responsibility.
  10. the national interest
    Kevin McCarthy Threatens Revenge on Firms Cooperating With January 6 ProbeA signature form of Trumpian thuggery returns.
  11. the national interest
    Republican Vaccine Denial Is Not a Political StrategyNever attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
  12. the national interest
    Wealthy Lobbyists Have Already Slashed Biden’s Tax Reform by Three-QuartersModerate Democrats have quietly knifed the president’s legacy bill.
  13. the national interest
    How Vaccine Mandates Can Promote Police ReformCops want to quit rather than get jabbed? Great!
  14. the national interest
    Why the Media Is Worse for Biden Than TrumpThe last week has been more brutal for Biden than any week of Trump’s presidency.
  15. the national interest
    Gottheimer’s Suicide Squad Hurt Their Party But Gained NothingDemocrats have five weeks to get their act together.
  16. the national interest
    The House Suicide Squad’s Nonsensical Reasons to Kill Biden’s AgendaJosh Gottheimer claims the bridges can’t wait a few weeks to be fixed.
  17. the national interest
    A New Variant of COVID Denialism Has EmergedThe Republicans’ pathogenic party line.
  18. the national interest
    9 Moderate Democrats Threaten to Tank Entire Biden PresidencyDemocrats have stuck together, until now.
  19. the national interest
    Ben Shapiro’s Book Is a Glib Rationale for Right-Wing AuthoritarianismThe “authoritarian moment” isn’t the president who tried to cancel the election?
  20. the national interest
    House Progressives Should Help Biden by Ransoming the Infrastructure BillIt’s AOC’s time to shine.
  21. the national interest
    Carlson Tells Orbán the Only Threat to Hungarian Democracy Is BidenTucker’s authoritarian dream future, on display in Hungary.
  22. the national interest
    Why Mitch McConnell Is Giving Joe Biden a Bipartisan Infrastructure WinI thought Republicans would kill it. Here’s what I got wrong.
  23. the national interest
    Tucker Carlson Has Seen the Future, and It Is FascistAn important marker on the Republican road to authoritarianism.
  24. the national interest
    The Madness of Teachers Unions Opposing a Vaccine Mandate“Vaccinations must be negotiated between employers and workers, not coerced.” What?
  25. the national interest
    Imagine a 9/11 Commission If the Hijackers Had Allies in CongressThe whole premise of an investigation was that both parties opposed the insurrection.
  26. the national interest
    Leftists and Liberals Are Still Fighting Over the Cold WarCommunism has become a proxy for left-wing authoritarianism.
  27. the national interest
    Tom Brady Joins Biden to Laugh at Trump in Worst Day of Trump’s LifeIt’s the sum of all Trump fears.
  28. the national interest
    Biden’s FDR-size BetThe president is rallying Democrats behind a sweeping $3.5 trillion budget package. It could be the key to winning 2024.
  29. the national interest
    Trump Berates Former General for Being Bad at Military Coups“If I was going to do a coup, one of the last people I would want to do it with is General Mark Milley.”
  30. the national interest
    Even Steve Mnuchin Refuses to Admit Biden Won the ElectionWhat it tells us when the most respectable Trumpist won’t refute the big lie.
  31. the national interest
    Trump Economist Steve Moore Hired to Ruin Yet Another State“I have the best senior economic adviser on the planet in Stephen Moore working with me,” boasts Virginia governor candidate Glenn Youngkin.
  32. the national interest
    Virginia GOP Demands Investigation of Professor for Anti-Trump TweetsRepublican Party still unclear on the concept of free speech.
  33. the national interest
    Conservatives Still Using the Fake Obama IRS Scandal to Defund the Tax PoliceAn imaginary 2013 IRS scandal returns to justify protecting wealthy tax cheats.
  34. the national interest
    The Chilling Message of Trump’s Embrace of Ashli Babbitt MartyrdomJanuary 6 is now a heroic uprising to the movement.
  35. the national interest
    Should Discrimination Against Trump Supporters Be Illegal?A conservative professor says yes.
  36. the national interest
    J.D. Vance Apologizes on Fox News for Opposing TrumpIt was 2016, a different time, and people were saying all kinds of non-crazy things.
  37. the national interest
    Republicans Invent a Whole New ‘Witch Hunt’ Defense for Trump’s Tax CrimesThe fair thing would be to let Trump’s criminal accomplices go free.
  38. the national interest
    The Rule of Law Means Prosecuting Trump’s CrimesTrump’s right-wing version of critical race theory is going to be tested.
  39. the national interest
    Kennedy’s Presidency Accomplished Little, But His Historic Myth EnduresWhy historians still rank the do-nothing Kennedy as a near-great president.
  40. the national interest
    Congressman Paul Gosar Recruits Holocaust Deniers Into the Republican PartyA Republican with a plan to extend the party’s rightward edge.
  41. the national interest
    Trump Lackey William Barr’s Self-Serving AccountThe Republican former attorney general can’t hide his hackery.
  42. the national interest
    The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Is Probably Doomed, AlasThe system actually doesn’t work.
  43. the national interest
    How’s the Republican Strategy to Starve Trump of Oxygen Working Out?Let’s review the past 24 hours.
  44. the national interest
    Dianne Feinstein’s Confused Nostalgia for the FilibusterThe system worked in the old days, before the filibuster was routine.
  45. the national interest
    Defunding the Police Is Dead, But Reform Lives OnHow Democrats can fight crime and police abuse at once.
  46. the national interest
    Republicans Say Voting Protections Trample ‘States’ Rights.’ Uh-Oh.The chilling future implications of a very old argument.
  47. the national interest
    Kyrsten Sinema’s Filibuster Defense Is Factually UntrueModerate senator loves the supermajority requirement, doesn’t understand how it works.
  48. the national interest
    Is This the Dumbest Filibuster Defense Ever Written?I cannot believe this column was published in a national newspaper.
  49. the national interest
    D.C. Statehood Is the Democrats’ Only OptionHoping to win by coupproof margins is not a strategy.
  50. the national interest
    Why Republicans Could Never Tell Their Voters the Truth About ObamacareThe legal crusade against affordable health care loses again.
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