J. Hudson, Musician

Photo: Spencer Heyfron

You dress like Prince. Is that intentional?
Well, my music is like Prince’s—it’s real funk. But fashion should be about the individual, so it’s cohesive with who I am.

That’s deep.
Yep, who I am is how I look, and how I look is what I sound like.

You’re losing me here. Where are you from?
I’m from Jersey. But I was a child model, so I traveled around a lot. I was working while other kids were playing and going to school.

Does that make you sad?
I create the future, so why should I complain about the past, you know? It’s only a stepping-stone.

You’re a very philosophical guy.
I’m actually a Freemason. My great-grandfather founded the first Freemason lodge in the Dominican Republic back in 1918. I like building the mind and sitting with others and collaborating in order to evolutionize.

Interview by Emma Rosenblum.

J. Hudson, Musician