A decade of ghosting, emojis, and urban legends.
By Rachel Connolly
Eight app users explain, psychoanalyze, and defend ten years of profile images.
By Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz
The Cut asked current and former app users about their habits, their horror stories, and what they’ve learned.
By Paula Aceves
What if ten of your past dates swapped notes?
By Kaitlin Menza
“Most of my clients don’t know how to take photos.”
By Randa Sakallah
Tales from the depths of an unforgiving market.
By Emily Gould
Kamala Harris’s precarious position.
Shark obsessives monitoring the city’s beaches.
Alex Jones documentarian Alex Lee Moyer.
What’s really driving Elon Musk?
Matt Gaffney’s latest puzzle.
Readers sound off on Chris Smalls, Trump’s 2024 plans, and more
Our deliberately oversimplified guide to who falls where on our taste hierarchies.
Fans equipped for a light breeze or a targeted blast.
Shopping tips for summer.
The city’s savviest mold experts.
Attends hundreds of COVID-disrupted weddings.
Visiting Papaya King on the eve of its probable destruction.
Txikito reopens with a fresh look and an updated menu.
This one is British, freezing, and particularly strong.
Todd Oldham’s never-ending Poconos project.
Maria Bakalova goes from one extreme to another.
Breaking down the movie’s visual strategies.
How the Die Hard actor’s stoic archetype masked his decline.
The renowned R&B artist shares his “confessions.”
Only a star could make The Last Movie Stars.
Nope is Jordan Peele’s darkest horror-comedy to date.
Lizzo hedges her bets on Special.
Twenty-five picks for the next two weeks.