Baroness Von Sketch Show - Vulture
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Baroness Von Sketch Show

  1. two friends
    Baroness von Sketch Show Promotes Eating Pie in a Witch CostumeAurora Browne and Jennifer Whalen are Two Friends with a bunch of great ideas for fall quarantining.
  2. trailer mix
    Celebrate Doomsday with the Trailer for Baroness von Sketch Show’s Final SeasonDead cats and workplace vomit are involved.
  3. trailer mix
    Scrunchies, and Baroness von Sketch Show, Are Back in StyleIFC’s sketch-comedy series returns later this month.
  4. sketch comedy
    The Baroness von Sketch Stars Reveal Their Favorite SketchesThe IFC sketch-comedy stars choose their favorite sketches (and favorite Muppets).
  5. renewals
    Baroness von Sketch Show’s Reign at IFC Continues With a Fourth SeasonThe show’s third season premieres November 8.
  6. Season 3 of ‘Baroness von Sketch Show’ Premieres on IFC Next YearCanadian sketch series Baroness von Sketch Show is sticking around at IFC. The network announced today that it’s acquired season 3 of the show, […]
  7. Life’s a Journey in This Clip from Tomorrow’s ‘Baroness von Sketch Show’Canadian sketch series Baroness von Sketch Show is currently airing in the US on IFC, and ahead of tomorrow’s episode, here’s a sneak peek […]
  8. The Creators and Stars of ‘Baroness von Sketch Show’ Arrive in the StatesThe feminist Canadian sketch comedy series Baroness von Sketch Show has made a splash on the CBC and graces American airwaves on IFC tonight at […]
  9. comedy
    How to Assemble a Sketch-Comedy Troupe From ScratchAn introduction to Baroness von Sketch Show, which stars four specifically chosen 40-something women — kind of like a comedic Justice League.
  10. IFC Released an Episode of ‘Baroness von Sketch Show’ Ahead of Its […]Back in May, IFC announced that it acquired the Canadian sketch comedy series Baroness von Sketch Show, and ahead of the 13-episode series’ […]
  11. IFC to Air Canadian Series ‘Baroness von Sketch Show’ This SummerCanadian series Baroness von Sketch Show is set to make its US debut this summer. IFC announced today that it’s acquired the all-female sketch […]