D ixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines, who once said she was embarrassed President Bush was from Texas, too, is at it again. The Dixie Chicks documentary, Shut Up & Sing, which premiered in Union Square October 24, has been the toast of film festivals but not necessarily back home. First, the Chicks released the single “Lubbock or Leave It,” which refers to Maines’s hometown as a “fools paradise” with “more churches than trees.” Then, at the Toronto Film Festival, Maines declared: “If you live in Lubbock … you have just one paper and one radio station and unless you’re savvy on the Internet, that’s it for you. If Bush said get a gun and kill an Arab, they would do that.” The documentary’s trailer provoked prolonged boos when shown in Dallas. “I hear they hate me now,” Maines laments in the song. But a source at the Weinstein Company says a test screening in Lubbock got a “98 percent” positive reaction.
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