Now that Paul Morrissey’s sold Eothen, the 5.6-acre Montauk estate he once co-owned with Andy Warhol, for $27 million, where will he go? To a nearby trailer park, apparently. Though he should be able to afford a decent showplace with the money J.Crew chief Millard Drexler reportedly paid for his property, the low-key actor-director, who collaborated with the legendary artist on several films, including Flesh and Heat, has been spotted touring homes and meeting would-be neighbors in the fiercely informal oceanfront enclave near Ditch Plains. This isn’t the first time a celebrity’s been drawn to the surfer-friendly area. Crooner Jimmy Buffett bid on a mobile home there last year but was spurned at the last minute by the seller, who went with an earlier offer for less money. Maybe Morrissey, a local, will have better luck making the cut.
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