Home-Cleaning Jobs Performed by White Glove Elite
OCTOBER 2007: 1,719
OCTOBER 2008: 1,448
Inhabit Cashmere Sweaters, Priced at $250 to $300, Sold at Otte in the West Village
SEPTEMBER 2008: 34
NOVEMBER 2008: 16
Offering Plans for New Condo Buildings in the City Filed With the State Attorney General’s Office
OCTOBER 2007: 45
OCTOBER 2008: 30
Small Business Administration Loans Issued by JPMorgan Chase
OCTOBER 2007: 163
OCTOBER 2008: 25
Christmas-Season Earnings for Dick Shea, a Manhattan Santa, as Reported in the Post
2006: $30,000
2008, ANTICIPATED: $3,000
Passengers at Kennedy, La Guardia, and Newark Airports, in Millions
SEPTEMBER 2007: 8.61
SEPTEMBER 2008: 8.12
Citigroup’s Worldwide Employees, Estimated
JANUARY 1, 2008: 375,000
Designer Sample Sales Held in New York City
NOVEMBER 2007: 99
NOVEMBER 2008: 147
Compiled by Lionel Beehner and Mark Byrne
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