Preacher - Vulture
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  1. season renewals
    AMC Will Continue to Let Dominic Cooper’s Preacher Hair Flourish With a Season 4Jesse and Tulip and Cassidy forever.
  2. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Rest in PiecesA busy season ends with major changes and a cliffhanger it leaves for future seasons to resolve.
  3. overnights
    Preacher Recap: I’d Rather Be SadThe season’s penultimate episode finds Jesse taking on the Allfather, Tulip getting her cover blown, and Cassidy making a hard choice.
  4. overnights
    Preacher Recap: A Deal With the DevilThe devil comes a’callin’ as tension between Tulip and Featherstone increases.
  5. Preacher’s Noah Taylor Doesn’t Want Anybody Rooting for Hitler“That’s the thing fascists really hate the most — being made fun of.”
  6. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Holy MotorsEccarius and Cassidy’s relationship grows complicated as Hitler reveals his true self in the season’s best-yet episode.
  7. overnights
    Preacher Recap: What We Do in the ShadowsArseface resurfaces while Jesse and Tulip go hunting for souls.
  8. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Swamp Pulp FictionTulip fights for her soul as Cassidy meets some troubling vampire enthusiasts.
  9. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Jesse Breaks BadCassidy makes a big decision while the Devil tries to cut a deal.
  10. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Tulip FeverTulip talks to God, and it’s not a pleasant conversation, and we learn a little more Custer family history in one of season three’s funniest episodes.
  11. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Grandmommy DearestIt’s a scary homecoming when Jesse reunites with his Gran’ma. Elsewhere, Tulip spends a little time in purgatory.
  12. overnights
    Preacher Season-Finale Recap: The Second Coming“Everything has a price. You understand?”
  13. overnights
    Preacher Recap: When the Saint Goes Marching InThe Hell plotline finally crashes into New Orleans.
  14. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Attack the BlockThis is as dour and unenlightening as Preacher gets.
  15. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Bite MeHell seems like a pretty bad place, huh?
  16. overnights
    Preacher Recap: When Pigs FlyThis Herr Starr guy is going to be a very formidable opponent.
  17. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Soul Man“Sokosha” is the season’s finest episode to date.
  18. The Preacher Cast Explains the Link Between the 2 Seasons▶️ “Can we just broach the subject of the foreskin one more time?”
  19. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Don’t Mess With Texas“Dallas” is the weakest episode of the season so far.
  20. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Hell Is Other PeopleLet’s talk about Adolf Hitler’s role on this show.
  21. overnights
    Preacher Recap: All That Jazz“Damsels” is a banger of an episode.
  22. chat room
    Seth Rogen on the Insanity of Preacher and the Problem With Comic-Book Movies“With Preacher, there’s a lot of shit that we’d have a really hard time getting into a movie.”
  23. overnights
    Preacher Recap: A Roll of the Dice“Mumbai Sky Tower” is giddy, bloody fun.
  24. overnights
    Preacher Season-Premiere Recap: Highway to HellJesse, Tulip, and Cassidy finally hit the road.
  25. sequential art
    Remembering Preacher’s Steve Dillon, a Subtle Titan of Comics ArtWhat he did better than just about anybody was tell stories using the human form.
  26. r.i.p.
    Preacher Co-Creator and Comic-Book Great Steve Dillon Has DiedThe English artist began his professional comic-book career at 16.
  27. season finales
    Preacher Took Too Long to Get Sufficiently WeirdBut the season finale showed promise.
  28. overnights
    Preacher Season-Finale Recap: Hell on EarthAt the end of a wild season, Preacher finally sides with the sinners.
  29. overnights
    Preacher Recap: The Quality of Mercy“Finish the Song” sets the stage for an epic finale.
  30. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Custer’s Last StandWe finally get an origin story for Preacher’s big bad.
  31. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Sins of the FatherWould Preacher be a better show if Jesse Custer were a villain?
  32. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Angels in AmericaJesse’s black-and-white worldview makes him the least interesting character on Preacher.
  33. renewals
    Preacher Evangelizes Its Way Into a Second SeasonIt’ll have 13 episodes.
  34. overnights
    Preacher Recap: The Road to Hell“What’s inside of you, it isn’t God.”
  35. overnights
    Preacher Recap: The Sins of the FatherAnnville, Texas, is a wretched, miserable place.
  36. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Do As I Say, Not As I DoHow long will Preacher keep spinning its wheels?
  37. overnights
    Preacher Recap: Take Me to Church“I know that deep down you’re a bad, bad man.”
  38. conversations
    A Long Talk with Preacher’s Creators and StarsAnd also talk about acting with a guy whose face looks like an anus.
  39. overnights
    Preacher Series Premiere Recap: GenesisIf you’re walking into this show blind, prepare to be shocked.
  40. vulture cover story
    How Seth Rogen Made the Extremely Non-P.C. Comic Preacher Safe for TVBasically, he and his partners changed everything.
  41. How Seth Rogen Made the Extremely Non-P.C. Comic Preacher Safe for TVBasically, he and his partners changed everything.
  42. tv review
    AMC’s Preacher Is a Peculiar Show That Both Hits and MissesI wish it had thought harder and found the courage to be even wilder and weirder.
  43. explainers
    What Is Preacher? A Guide to AMC’s New Comic-Book AdaptationIt’s a supernatural action-comedy about a small-town Texas preacher who gains a magic power.
  44. roll clip!
    Preacher Opening Scene Sneak Peek: This Is an Example of a Bad Miracle“We are not afraid.”
  45. teasers
    Ominousness Abounds in New Preacher TeaserBlood, too!
  46. Preacher Has an Arseface a Mother Couldn’t LoveSeth Rogen shared a picture of the anus-faced Preacher character.
  47. Seth Rogen Previews Preacher, Blows Up Tom Cruise at SXSWVampires plus exploding false prophets, NBD.
  48. premieres
    Premiere Date Set for AMC’s Comics Adaptation PreacherBut the situation is a wee bit complicated.
  49. trailer mix
    World Premiere Trailer for Preacher: Violence Is Bad, Mmkay?Looks intense.
  50. the industry
    Seth Rogen’s Preacher TV Adaptation Ordered to Series at AMCHere’s a poster, too!
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