Reality Rumble - Vulture
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Reality Rumble

  1. reality rumble
    Kris Jenner Would Apparently Complain to E! About The Soup’s Kardashian JokesAnd, per Joel McHale, E! ultimately banned the show from Kardashian talk.
  2. reality rumble
    Rachel Lindsay on Being First Black Bachelorette: I Want Love Like Everyone Else“I just hope that people rally behind me like they did in Nick’s season.”
  3. six degrees of kardashian
    The Kardashians Are the Center of Reality TVKeeping Up With the Kardashians is the Kevin Bacon of the genre, essentially.
  4. vulture lists
    The 5 Best and Worst Project Runway DesignsCorn husks and burlap and lederhosen — oh, my! 
  5. reality rumble
    Reality Finals: Survivor vs. Project RunwayIt all comes down to this.
  6. Mark L. Walberg Explains How to Host a Crazy Reality ShowThe Antiques Roadshow host offers up 18 lessons learned during his time on Temptation Island, Joe Millionaire, and The Moment of Truth.
  7. reality rumble
    The 10 Best Strategic Moves Ever on SurvivorBoston Rob’s Redemption Island round trip, the show’s first power flip, and more.
  8. super smizing
    The 15 Craziest Tyra Banks Moments on America’s Next Top ModelTyra being Tyra, cycle after cycle.
  9. reality rumble
    Reality Semis: Survivor vs. ANTMWho will make the finals? Richard Hatch or Tyra Banks? Wise or smize?
  10. reality rumble
    Reality Semis: Project Runway vs. The Real WorldWelcome to the Puck vs. Santino Thunderdome.
  11. reality rumble
    The 8 Worst American Idol MomentsKara DioGuardi in a bikini. The bizarre sponsored engagement. Randy Jackson.
  12. American Idol vs. America’s Next Top ModelAI season two vs. ANTM cycle two. Simon vs. Tyra. Two heavyweights enter, one heavyweight leaves.
  13. dig’em smacks
    The 20 Best Real Housewives FightsAnd they’re not even all Sheree!
  14. reality rumble
    Reality: Survivor vs. Real Housewives of AtlantaRichard Hatch’s trendsetting alliance vs. “Tardy for the Party.”
  15. A Remembrance of Obscure Reality Shows PastMiss you, Cirque du Soliel show.
  16. reality rumble
    Reality Battle: The Osbournes vs. Project RunwayAll aboard MTV’s celebreality crazy train! Have Tim Gunn, will travel! A matchup of cable giants.
  17. reality rumble
    Reality Battle: Real World: SF vs. BachelorWho better to judge a reality contest than the men behind The Soup?
  18. loud love
    The Ballad of Sammi and RonnieThey smooshed. They fought. They smooshed and smooshed and fought.
  19. reality rumble
    Reality Battle: American Idol vs. Jersey ShoreA cuddly rivalry vs. an angry gorilla juicehead.
  20. reality rumble
    Reality Battle: Top Chef vs. Top ModelMeticulous cooking vs. the all-about-Tyra show!
  21. vulture lists
    The 10 Most Amazing Amazing Race InjuriesIs this a watermelon I see before me?
  22. reality rumble
    Real Housewives Atlanta S2 vs. Amazing Race S5Mirna vs. Nene! Schmirna vs. “Who gonna check me, boo?!”
  23. i’m learnding
    Reality TV Has Taught Me a Surprising Number of Life SkillsTop Chef made me cook with more acid, and I smile better at photos thanks to ANTM.
  24. reality rumble
    Round 1: Survivor’s S1 vs. RuPaul’s Drag Race S4Sharon Needles vs. Richard Hatch! Tuck vs. mind-fuck!
  25. reality rumble
    The Hills’ Secret, Important Gender PoliticsListen up, Sheryl Sandberg.
  26. reality rumble
    Round 1: Project Runway S2 vs. The Hills S1The Santino season of Tim Gunn’s fashion contest takes on the debut of The Hills, when Lauren first moved in with Heidi.
  27. reality rumble
    Where Do Most Runners-up on Reality Talent Shows End Up?A precious few become big stars. But what does everyone else from American Idol, Top Chef, Project Runway and other TV contests do after it’s over?
  28. reality rumble
    Round 1: SYTYCD vs. The OsbournesThe SYTYCD season of novice Sabra and arrogant Danny goes against the Patient Zero of celebreality.
  29. charts
    The Surreal Life Family Tree of VH1 ShowsHow one show was the gift that kept on giving.
  30. How Flavor of Love Cast Hottie, New York, and Other Memorable Contestants“I asked her to elaborate what a six-way was.”
  31. reality rumble
    Round 1: Flavor of Love vs. Jason’s The BachelorThe sensitive Seattle sad who switched wives vs. Flavor Flav and a whole lot of bodily fluids.
  32. reality rumble
    Producer Chris Moore Talks Project Greenlight “It’s a massive wish-fulfillment thing.”
  33. reality rumble
    Round 1: Real World: SF vs. Project GreenlightPuck and Pedro take on Matt and Ben: Who will win?
  34. reality rumble
    The Reality Rumble: What’s the Greatest Reality-TV Season Ever? Is it Real World: San Francisco? The first season of Survivor? Real Housewives of Atlanta’s “Tardy for the Party” season 2? The bracket stars today!