All Right, Then, Who’s Hotter?

Interviews by Jen Ortiz.

“Definitely Sanchez. I like his hair. Tebow’s is too perfect. Sanchez has more of that rough, loose-curl thing going on. Samantha Quinones
20, Brooklyn College

Tebow. I like it when everyone starts Tebowing”that he started that. Also, he’s single, and Sanchez has a girlfriend. If Tebow is looking, I’m in the market, too. Kelley McGowan
20, Brooklyn College

Tebow. I know he’s a virgin and stuff, but a lot of girls are like, “Well, we can change that.’” Amanda Corigliano
19, Rutgers

Tebow. He looks respectful, like he would pull chairs out for you and open doors. He’s the man every mother wants her daughter to marry.” Penelope Baez
21, Brooklyn College

All Right, Then, Who’s Hotter?