Timeless - Vulture
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  1. overnights
    Timeless Series Finale Recap: The Ghosts of Christmas FutureIncredibly satisfying and neatly resolved, the series-ender gives the gang the happily-ever-after, ride-off-into-the-sunset ending they deserve.
  2. timeless
    Surprise! Timeless Is Coming Back From the Dead One Last TimeThe series will wrap up with a two-part finale to air during the holidays.
  3. cancellations
    NBC Cancels Timeless, But Might Make Time for a MovieIt’s technically the second time the show has been canceled.
  4. overnights
    Timeless Season-Finale Recap: Till Death Do Us PartThe season-finale double episode either wrapped up the series on an emotional note or set up some challenges for itself in its potential third season.
  5. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Don’t Cry for Me, ChristopherWho woulda thunk that the most emotional episode yet would be a showcase for Agent No Fun?
  6. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Suffragette CityWyatt, stop being such a lunkhead!
  7. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Undercover BluesAt long last, Connor Mason tags along for a trip to find Robert Johnson.
  8. overnights
    Timeless Recap: The Dead KennedysA nimble and slyly funny episode about teenage JFK.
  9. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Witchy WomenWhat’s going to happen to Jiya and her premonitions?
  10. overnights
    Timeless Recap: La La Land“Hollywoodland” is like a swanky cocktail party you don’t want to end.
  11. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Mission ImplausibleWhen it comes to historical figures, Timeless lives or dies by its guest casting.
  12. overnights
    Timeless Season Premiere Recap: Good Guys RevoltWelcome back to the show that miraculously didn’t end!
  13. oral history
    The Inside Story of How Timeless Was Canceled and Uncanceled in Just Three Days“I’d seen shows get canceled and then picked up by other networks, but I’d never seen a network do this.”
  14. What’s New on Hulu: March 2018Power Rangers, The Square, and more.
  15. the tv industry
    NBC Turns Back the Clock and Decides Not to Cancel Timeless After AllSurprise!
  16. canceled shows
    Remember the Good Times: Here Are All the Shows That Got Canceled This SeasonThe time-travel bubble has definitely burst.
  17. vulture lists
    All of the Ways TV Has Tackled Time Travel, From Doctor Who to OutlanderThe fourth dimension has fascinated TV creators for a half-century.
  18. vulture lists
    13 TV Shows to Watch If You Miss Buffy the Vampire SlayerSomething to fill the Slayer-sized hole in your heart.
  19. overnights
    Timeless Season-Finale Recap: Lost in TimeIs this the end of Timeless? Say it ain’t so.
  20. Timeless Recap: Gangster’s ParadiseThis show keeps getting better and better.
  21. overnights
    Timeless Recap: A Moveable FeatThis is some Alias-level double-crossing, folks.
  22. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Rogue OnesWyatt is the third wheel of Timeless, isn’t he?
  23. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Western PromisesAre there too many narrative threads on this show?
  24. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Americana Horror StoryLet’s talk about Harry Houdini and the Murder Castle.
  25. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Spies Like UsThe Timeless gang comes face-to-face with the real Rittenhouse.
  26. chat room
    Timeless Creators on Their X-Files Inspiration“I think we’re aspiring to a similar format.”
  27. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Love on the Run“Last Ride of Bonnie & Clyde” is a transcendent episode.
  28. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Space JamTimeless takes one giant leap forward.
  29. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Message in a BottleRomance! Slapstick! Chocolate-covered Twinkies!
  30. overnights
    Timeless Recap: What’s Up, Doc?“The Watergate Tape” doles out some answers to the Rittenhouse mystery.
  31. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Don’t Mess With Texas“The Alamo” is Timeless at its most heartfelt.
  32. chat room
    Abigail Spencer Talks Rectify and Timeless“I love the costume drama of it all. I’m like, ‘Yes! Give me all the period costumes!’”
  33. overnights
    Timeless Recap: Quantum Leap of Solace“Party at Castle Valar” is the best episode of Timeless yet.
  34. overnights
    Timeless Recap: History’s Atomic Dustbin“It takes more than an atomic bomb to impress the president of the United States.”
  35. overnights
    Timeless Recap: History Repeats ItselfAccording to Timeless, John Wilkes Booth was a sad hipster.
  36. overnights
    Timeless Series Premiere Recap: Past ImperfectA show with such a high-concept premise, it fits into a single tagline: Quantum Leap meets Lost.
  37. tv review
    NBC’s Timeless Is a Promising, Appealing SeriesAnd smarter than it probably had to be.
  38. lawsuits
    Timeless Creators Sued for Stealing Show FormatBet they wish they had a time machine to fix this situation.
  39. Liam Hemsworth to Star in Time-Travel RomanceMiley’s boyfriend is moving on up.
  40. movies
    Robert Zemeckis Is Now Out of His Motion-Capture PhaseHis return to live-action filmmaking could even include ‘Superman.’