Movie Review Archive

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Movie Reviews Archive

January 9, 2006
Scream Kings: Eli Roth and Quentin Tarantino

Eli Roth’s second, nastier feature, Hostel�about doomed American backpackers in Europe�is opening as a �Quentin Tarantino Presents� film.

January 9, 2006
Hot Under the White Collar

In Fun With Dick & Jane, Hollywood rediscovers the joy of class warfare.

December 12, 2005
The Final Frontier

That gay-cowboy movie you’ve heard so little about is even more startling than expected.

December 5, 2005
All Messed Up on the Western Front

Kubrick’s Paths of Glory shows how much�and how little�war has changed in a century.

November 28, 2005
Crude Awakening

Syriana does for oil what Traffic did for drugs: expose a twisted system in which no one’s hands stay clean.

November 21, 2005
Sturm and Twang

Two rowdy lead performances enliven Walk the Line, which otherwise sings a familiar tune.

November 14, 2005
The Lady Vanquishes

Keira Knightley gives 'Pride & Prejudice' a ferocious bite. Too bad she’s stuck with a toothless lover.

November 7, 2005
War is Heck

A solid performance by Jake Gyllenhaal can’t make up for Jarhead’s lack of politics.

October 31, 2005
Little Martyrs

With wit and subtlety, 'Paradise Now' explores the lives of Palestinian suicide bombers.

October 24, 2005
Love Sick

Thanks to a powerfully poignant Claire Danes, 'Shopgirl' finds the charm in an unhealthy romance.