Real Estate Archive -- New York Magazine

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Real Estate Archive

November 2, 2009
Life Swap

Take off your shoes and start stomping.

November 2, 2009
It’s a Bargain! For Now.

Those tax breaks that kept condo fees low? They’re expiring�and buyers are noticing.

October 19, 2009
Home Design Fall ’09: Was/Is

Seven stories of remarkable transformations.

October 19, 2009
The Pastoral Porch

Was: A forlorn-looking brick terrace.
Is: A green sanctuary with living canopy.

October 19, 2009
��The Worst I Had Ever Seen.’’

Was: A cramped two-bedroom suffering from decades of neglect.
Is: An immaculate� and suddenly spacious�one-bedroom loft.

October 19, 2009
Bathing in Light

Was: Dilapidated room in a Prospect Heights brownstone.
Is: Master bathroom with a working fireplace.

October 19, 2009
The Wall Vanishes

Was: A boarded-up East Village brownstone.
Is: A white-box condominium with nothing to hide.

October 19, 2009
Palace Coup

Was: Two prewar apartments on Fifth Avenue.
Is: One 6,000-square-foot fantasyland.

October 19, 2009
An Archaeological Dig in a 1903 Tenement

Was: Two cramped apartments divided by a structural wall.
Is: A light-filled two-bedroom with a 50-foot living room.

October 19, 2009
A Red Hook Tale of Domesticity

Was: Large industrial complex used mostly for storage.
Is: Live-work haven for two artists, even when it’s not heaven exactly.