Euro Invasion

Thomas Watts, 22
Physics Student, Austria
Best bargain? Michael Kors perfume for $60.
How does a strong euro make you feel inside? I don’t like the euro. You must use it even if you don’t want to. I think it has a terrible name. I was very fond of our old schilling.
The euro once had a mascot: Captain Euro. What other superhero should it be? Spider-Man, because it sticks to you.

Narie Merdjanian, “Fiftysomething”
Assistant To Civil Engineer, France
Best bargain? Jean-Paul Gaultier trousers at Bergdorf for $400. In France, they would have cost 500 to 600 euros.
How does a strong euro make you feel inside? It may be good for now, but it won’t last. And people won’t buy our exports.
What superhero should the euro be?it be? Haricot Magique, the magic bean.

Samuela Octken-Hoppe, 36
Substitute Teacher, Germany
Best bargain? Everything’s more expensive than in Germany—clothes, shoes. We went to Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s. Maybe we weren’t in the right stores.
How does a strong euro make you feel inside? We want the mark back.
What superhero should the euro be?it be? Superman, for now. But maybe he will fall.

Jeroen Hoppenbrouwers, 25
Student, The Netherlands
Best bargain? Six dollars for a hot dog and two sodas. Is that a bargain?
How does a strong euro make you feel inside? I live my life by experiences, not money.
What superhero should the euro be?it be? The Green Goblin. When you’d buy a beer in Holland, it was one guilder. Now it’s one euro, but it’s really 20 percent more.

Andrea Gorlato, 31
Banker, Italy
Best bargain? Tiffany’s. In Italy, the same thing is 30 percent more. But the hotel—never again! We pay $200 a night, and it is a black hole on 34th Street.
How does a strong euro make you feel inside? I’m Italian. I don’t feel Europe.
What superhero should the euro be?it be? John Wayne with his big pistol. Because he started as a loser and by noon he is a hero.

Euro Invasion