War Time?

Given the armed forces’ current recruiting difficulties, it’s no surprise the draft is rumored to be coming back. The government denies it, but it’s been known to go back on its word. How do New Yorkers of draft age feel?

Are you worried about a draft? Derrick Ableman, 24, waiter
I totally worry about it. But I probably wouldn’t get drafted because I am unfit to serve in so many ways. Vinnie Gaffre, 26, bar back
I don’t think you can be drafted if you’re a convicted felon, and I got into a lot of trouble when I was younger.Seth Rudy, 26, grad student
No. It’s politically insupportable. The whole country would go to Canada.

Would you try to get out of it?Alexandra Lindner, 18, NYU class of ’08
I think they would be taking women, and I’d go. I’m a Republican, and my dad’s like, “Keep your mouth shut when you get to New York.”Rudy
If it was military jail or the Army, I’d have a better chance of surviving in a war.Rafael Harrari, 18, NYU class of ’08
It would be morally wrong not to fight. I wouldn’t want to, but I would.Brian Mitchell, 26, musician
I’d go to Europe. I play jazz—it’s really good for that. Gaffre Eat a pound of sugar. They’ll think you have high blood pressure. That’s how my dad got out of Vietnam.

War Time?