Cindy Adams, New York Post columnist: “There should certainly be his and hers hairdressers. Hers would make sure it doesn’t just hang there like it always does. His would bring him some.”
Wayne Barrett, author of Rudy! An Investigative Biography of Rudolph Giuliani: “The first thing they should do is make sure she’s not a cousin. You know, he married his second cousin Regina Peruggi the first time, and got it annulled.”
Misstress Formika, drag star: “Have it at Starbucks, McDonald’s, Old Navy, or maybe Madame Tussaud’s. Can you dance there?”
David Hershkovits, co-editor of Paper: “For ushers, the New York Mets.”
Nan Kempner: “I’d whisk that girl off to the Cipriani in Venice with just the family and not all the furbelows.” (“Showy ornaments” – we had to look it up, too.)
Dean Johnson, lead singer of the Velvet Mafia: “For their honeymoon, they should spend the night in a homeless shelter.”
Aileen Mehle, a.k.a. “Suzy,” W society columnist: “Since Rudy looks so delectable in women’s clothes, I suggest a dress by Carolina Herrera or Vera Wang. Nothing white – he’s been that route – but something simple in beige satin, worn with a little veiled toque and Manolo Blahniks with five-inch heels. He could bring it off if any man can.”
What Would You Suggest?
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Hey, Rudy, Check This Out
New York’s guide to planning a city wedding.