Mayoral hopeful Alan Hevesi was first out of the gate last week with a series of TV ads featuring his high-schoolish slogan “MEBQ.” That is: “More Experienced. Better Qualified.” A foe quickly redubbed it “Momentum Evaporated. Buy Quick!” A look at the field:
Mark Green: Many Employees Became Queer.
alternate: damn: Don’t Ask Me about Nader.
Peter Vallone: Manton Endorsement? Better be Quick!
alternate: term limits suck: This Evil Restriction Means Leaving, Involuntarily, My Institution: The Speaker’s Seat. Unfathomable Career Killer.
Freddy Ferrer: El Mejor Enchilada del Bronx, ¿Quién?
alternate: crass: Creatively Reach All Sharpton Supporters.
Michael Bloomberg: Meets Eligible Billionaire Quotient
alternate: NASDAQ: Never Actually Sexually Discriminated. Also: Qualified.