Checks Out

Maybe there’s something to this idea that liberating Iraq will kick-start the economy. Three restaurants on the verge of opening will feature prices worthy of the dot-com nineties.

City Lobster and Seafood Company (121 West 49th Street) Soon to be serving: seven-pound pedigreed Nova Scotia lobsters, $160 each.

Morrells (900 Broadway; see “Cue: Restaurants,”) Soon to be serving: Mouton Rothschild 1997 and Dom Perignon 1990 at $58 and $60, respectively—a glass.

The Cobalt Club (2 Lexington Avenue) Soon to be serving: Martinis (shaken in the flask used by the Duke and Duchess of Windsor) at $30 each, while the house champagne is served in $180 Baccarat-crystal glasses. Bottoms up!

Checks Out