Ooh, cool shades. What are those? NeuView, or “lateralized,” sunglasses to you.
NeuView? Is he a new German designer? Don’t be silly; they’re specially designed by a psychotherapist to help you overcome your fears and anxieties (just the thing for the holidays).
You cannot be serious. Really, these babies have wraparound lenses with side flaps (think DeLorean) that you can raise to allow light in from the periphery … But why would I want to? If I could just finish … to stimulate the opposite side of your brain.
What? According to their creator, Robert Buck, when people are under a lot of stress, hormones flood the brain and cause a disconnect from the right side of the brain to the left. When you stimulate one side with light, you help repair the disconnect – and gain a new, stress-free perspective. You’re making this up. Well, somebody might be, but I’m not. They’re $59.95 from www.neuviewglasses.com.