Has Hugh Jackman really spent an entire year looking for a new place to live? In 2005, he was spotted house-hunting on Mercer Street, and now a source says his search is continuing downtown, most recently at One York Tribeca, the fourteen-story downtown condo designed by Enrique Norten. It’s not clear if Jackman found any of the apartments, the grandest of which has an outdoor lap pool of its own, to his liking. (Prices there range from about $1 million to $18.5 million.)
A little farther uptown in the Village, the Charles Street townhouse that Hilary Swank and Chad Lowe shared until their recent split may be suffering the effects of a less-than-hopping market. Despite its considerable charm—detailed in a lavish New York Times design story that made it look like one of the greatest downtown houses in the city—the property hasn’t found a buyer. Even after a price cut from $8.175 million to $7.55 million several weeks ago, it’s spent five months on the market.