1. Blue Hill at Stone Barns
630 Bedford Rd., Pocantico Hills, N.Y.; 914-366-9600
The closest most New York chefs get to their food supply is rooting around the Greenmarket. This agricultural center and satellite branch of the Greenwich Village restaurant Blue Hill goes one idealistic, seasonally minded step better: Most of what turns up on your plate is raised in the fields and pastures visible through the dining-room windows. Driving time: about 45 minutes.
2. The Dressing Room
27 Powers Court, Westport, Conn.; 203-226-1114
Park Slopers who miss Ethan Kostbar’s cooking at Rose Water can find him in the kitchen at this Paul Newman–owned restaurant, where he’s the new chef de cuisine. The menu celebrates the seasons as well as Westport oysters, pasture-raised beef, Berkshire pork, and Cato Corner Farm cheese. Driving time: about one hour.