Ask a Shop Clerk: Caron Callahan

Photo: Sarah Silberg/New York Magazine

Do only hotel guests shop here?
No, all different types. A Scandinavian group will appreciate the pink cashmere knits. New Yorkers will pick up this locally made deodorant cream. A celebrity staying here—let’s say she just played Radio City—bought a handmade leather bag by Kate Huling, whose husband owns the restaurant in the hotel. My husband is the chef there.

Seems very Six Degrees of Separation.
I want to represent people I really believe in. Like, these cotton Everyman pants are from local designer Unis; they look perfect on my husband, who’s not the skinniest chap. This philosophy-humor book is by my friend’s husband, who’s kind of like Jerry Seinfeld but Über-intelligent.

Who’s buying your dhoti-esque dresses?
Everyone from a mother from Austin visiting her son, to a chic, petite blonde girl who works here, to this white-haired hotel guest who’s wearing the dress to a play tonight. She’s really excited.

Interview by Lauren Schwartzberg

Ask a Shop Clerk: Caron Callahan