New Stuff

Photo: Hannah Whitaker/New York Magazine

To you, it’s a green-tinted plastic bucket; to an infant, it’s a soothingly womblike hot tub that makes bath time a less squirmy situation (Spa Baby, $39.95 at Everything for the Baby, 4802 Glenwood Rd., at 48th St., Flatbush; 718-339-6212).

Photo: Hannah Whitaker/New York Magazine

Hard Cards’ sweet designs make the droll barbs inside even funnier. A thank-you card opens to “You actually did something nice” ($3.50 at Tribeca Treats, 94 Reade St., nr. Church St.; 212-571-0500).

Photo: Courtesy of Mikey

Record an interview or rip a concert bootleg with the incredibly sensitive Mikey, then instantly play it back on your iPod ($80 at J&R Music & Computer World, 23 Park Row, nr. Ann St.; 212-238-9000).

New Stuff