The Best Bet

Photo: Courtesy of Molecule-R Flavours Inc.

Just when the foodiverse grew weary of molecular gastronomy and its requisite gimmickry, bar wizard Dave Arnold stepped up to the cen­trifuge at Booker and Dax and made kitchen chemistry trendy again. But mad-science cocktails come at a double-digit price; for home experimentalists, there’s Molecule-R’s Cocktail R-Evolution molecular-mixology kit ($59.99 at the Brooklyn Kitchen, 100 Frost St., at Meeker Ave., Wil­liamsburg; 718-389-2982). Equipped with lab tools and food additives like xanthan gum and soy lecithin, spirit tinkerers can learn from a 30-recipe DVD how to fashion blue-curaçao foam on the rocks, as seen here; a gin with tonic-spiked orbs; and even quivery mojito bubbles.

The Best Bet