The Wife - Vulture
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The Wife

  1. the toughest scene i wrote
    Breaking Down The Wife’s Savage Yet Intimate Finale“I’ll tell you, this movie is kind of a metaphor for me as a female screenwriter and director in Hollywood.”
  2. party report
    Glenn Close Feels Like She’s Fulfilling Her Aunt’s Acting Dream“The one thing she wanted to be was an actress, and she would never have been able to do that.”
  3. technology
    Glenn Close Is Not Checking Her PhoneShe just keeps missing these nominations.
  4. a close read
    Glenn Close Ranks Her Movie HusbandsWas Jack Nicholson better than Robert Redford?
  5. movies
    Glenn Close and Timothée Chalamet Are Best Friends Now, Can You Believe It“Timothée always looks very glam & cool.”
  6. oscar futures
    How Will Those Bonkers Golden Globe Results Affect Oscar Picks?Are Green Book and Bohemian Rhapsody our new front-runners? Is the Star Is Born duo doomed? Don’t panic just yet.
  7. 2019 golden globes
    Glenn Close Makes Every Mom and Daughter Cry With Her Golden Globes Speech“We have to say I can do that, and I should be allowed to do that.”
  8. close reads
    Husbands Are a Liability, According to Movies in 2018Are you in the mood to have your career thwarted? Good. Marry a man, he will mess it it up.
  9. roll clip!
    Glenn Close Thought Her Golden Globes Nomination Was a Butt DialShe’s up for her third Golden Globe.
  10. movie review
    Glenn Close and The Wife Earn All of the Film’s Many Dramatic FireworksClose, Jonathan Pryce, a Nobel Prize, and a crumbling marriage: What more could you ask for?