Unbreakable - Vulture
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  1. vulture lists
    Every M. Night Shyamalan Movie, RankedMaking sense of the director’s twisty career.
  2. the everyman
    Bruce Willis Always Wore Heartache WellThe recent news of the star’s retirement is a final sad note in a career scattered with them.
  3. vulture picks
    The 30 Best Superhero Movies Since BladeAnd why Avengers: Endgame cracks the top fifteen.
  4. in conversation
    M. Night Shyamalan on His Failures, His Successes, and GlassFirst, the director started making movies people liked again. Now he has his own superhero universe.
  5. What’s New on Showtime: March 2018If you love Al Pacino gangster movies, don’t miss Carlito’s Way.
  6. The 30 Best Superhero Movies Since BladeWesley Snipes’s vampire swordsman started a revolution.
  7. The Best Supervillains Are Relatable Ones▶️ Three-dimensional villains with a sense of purpose are rare in superhero movies.
  8. get well soon
    Janet Jackson Postpones Tour for SurgeryShe wrote on social media that all affected concert dates would be rescheduled.
  9. Listen to Janet Jackson’s Very Lovable ‘Unbreakable’Janet, is this a love letter to us? C’mon, be honest!
  10. mashups
    Watch This UnbreakableKimmy Schmidt Mash-UpIt’s a miracle!
  11. no bullshit
    Samuel L. Jackson Doesn’t Bullsh*t About A.O. Scott and M. Night Shyamalan“[M. Night Shyamalan] hasn’t made a really good movie since [Unbreakable].”
  12. darkest hour of the night
    Don’t Give Up on M. Night ShyamalanAll vitriol aside, the man’s got talents. He just needs to remember what they are.
  13. how can i stay mad at you?
    8 Super-Villains Who Have a Good Excuse For EvilMolestation, abandonment as children, the Holocaust … they’ve all got excuses.