1. Vietnamese Cuisine
Randy O. Diaz, blogger, parismissives.blogspot.com:
“Supposedly the French are food trendsetters. It’s b.s. The French are slow to change, especially when it comes to ‘ethnic’ food. Whenever we expats hear about a new Mexican restaurant, we run in droves like a fire sale at Macy’s. Trick is, go for the first few weeks; afterward, the food is tamed. A lot of French will tell the maître d’, ‘Il était bon, mais trop épicé!’ (‘It was good, but too spicy!’) The French do love to give their ‘opinions.’ That said, the best Asian-style restaurants in Paris are Vietnamese, primarily pho. Most are pretty good in the 13th, Chinatown, but in Belleville, the city’s other, upcoming Chinatown, the best pho is Pho Dong-Huong (14, rue Louis Bonnet, 33-1-43-57-42-81).”
2. Madagascar Cuisine
Domoina de Brantes, art concierge at Le Royal Monceau:
“Le Majungais (11, Cour des Petites Ecuries, 33-1-47-70-55-76) in the 10th. Try the meaty, stewy romazava, the national dish.”
3. Cambodian Cuisine
Sin Saravouth, taxi driver:
Thing Thing (77, rue Dunois, 33-1-45-83-82-74) in the 13th. “Order the potage du tamarind with meat or fish and the ravioli aux crevettes frites.”