Archer - TV Episode Recaps & News


  1. Episode 13 Drastic Voyage: Part II
    Archer Recap: Holy Snacrophages! Uh oh. What do you do when things don’t go according to plan?
  2. Episode 12 Drastic Voyage: Part 1
    Archer Recap: Holy Shrink Snacks! This was a very, very funny tease to a second part that has to be balls-to-the-wall insane.
  3. Episode 11 Achub Y Morfilod
    Archer Recap: Conray RAY GETS A HAND.
  4. Episode 10 Reignition Sequence
    Archer Recap: Stir Cryday Featuring the return of Katya Kazanova.
  5. Episode 9 Pocket Listing
    Archer Recap: Back Dorothy Someone give Ray a hand!
  6. Episode 8 The Kanes
    Archer Recap: Mashed-Potato Party Who remembers Bullitt? Archer does!
  7. Episode 7 Nellis
    Archer Recap: Guns Out, Buns Out! Introducing aliens and the secret to the universe.
  8. Episode 6 Sitting
    Archer Recap: Quadruple Ass Featuring Kumail Nanjiani and Gorilla Pam.
  9. Episode 5 Vision Quest
    Archer Recap: Priapism! In which everyone develops tinnitus and learns who they really are.
  10. Episode 4 Edie’s Wedding
    Archer Recap: Kill Zone In which Barry is a glorious, robotic phoenix.
  11. Episode 3 The Archer Sanction
    Archer Recap: Axis Power “How hard is it to remember gum?”
  12. Episode 2 Three to Tango
    Archer Recap: I’m a Verb Now Lots of Archerizing went down.
  13. Episode 1 The Holdout
    Archer Recap: Captain Shitnuts Introducing Milton, the toaster-copier machine. And bye-bye, ISIS.
  1. Episode 10 Deadly Velvet: Part II
    Archer Season Finale Recap: Out With a Whimper (and a Bang) Sterling Archer can’t be dead, right?
  2. Episode 9 Deadly Velvet: Part I
    Archer Recap: Tainted Love Lana and Archer’s relationship is a psychosexual rainforest.
  3. Episode 8 Liquid Lunch
    Archer Recap: The Manchurian Candidate In a surprising turn, Archer aggressively confronts the C.I.A.’s real-world injustices.
  4. Episode 7 Double Indecency
    Archer Recap: Indecent Proposal “Why is Krieger dressed up like Evel Nazi Bob Ross Knievel?”
  5. Episode 6 Bel Panto: Part Two
    Archer Recap: The Cuckoo-Clock Principle “Bel Panto: Part Two” is a worthy successor to “Sea Tunt” and “Space Race.”
  6. Episode 5 Bel Panto: Part One
    Archer Recap: Lingua Franca Archer has a deft understanding of how language works.
  7. Episode 4 Motherless Child
    Archer Recap: Barry’s Rosebud Sterling Archer and Barry Dylan aren’t all that different, aside from the whole “cybernetic killing machine” thing.
  8. Episode 3 Deadly Prep
    Archer Recap: The Origin of Sterling Archer “Deadly Prep” is Archer at its darkest and most philosophical.
  9. Episode 2 The Handoff
    Archer Recap: Revenge of the Voicemail Archer is like sex or pizza: Even when it’s not great, it’s still pretty good.
  10. Episode 1 The Figgis Agency
    Archer Recap: Sunset Boulevard For the umpteenth time, Archer finds a genuinely original way to reinvent itself.
  1. Episode 8 Auflösung
    Archer Season-Finale Recap: Die Roboterhunde A violent season ends on a softer and more elegiac note.
  2. Episode 7 Gramercy, Halberd!
    Archer Recap: The Adventures of Dex and Cody “Gramercy, Halberd!” cues up a truly climactic confrontation.
  3. Episode 6 Waxing Gibbous
    Archer Recap: Of Merkins and Musicals The most disturbing episode of Archer ever made.
  4. Episode 5 Sleepers Wake
    Archer Recap: A Nazi Robot Farm? In This Economy? “Sleepers Wake” mines humor from unlikely if not outright absurd sources.
  5. Episode 4 Ladyfingers
    Archer Recap: Eine Kleine Kriegermusik Krieger finally gets a chance to shine.
  6. Episode 3 Jane Doe
    Archer Recap: An Idiot’s Prison Break “Jane Doe” is a bright omen for the season.
  7. Episode 2 Berenice
    Archer Recap: Screwball Antics (Phrasing?) This week, Archer gets its Bringing Up Baby on.
  8. Episode 1 No Good Deed
    Archer Season-Premiere Recap: The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of A fun storytelling gambit kicks off the pulp-detective era of Archer.
  1. Episode 8 A Discovery
    Archer Season-Finale Recap: Onward to the Final Frontier Archer’s Danger Island season draws to a close, but not before making a bunch of Hobbit jokes and setting up what’s to come.
  2. Episode 7 Comparative Wickedness of Civilized and Unenlightened People
    Archer Recap: Here Comes the Chub Club A great reckoning between the Mua Mua and the assorted Europeans was inevitable.
  3. Episode 6 Some Remarks on Cannibalism
    Archer Recap: Who’s for Dinner? it was inevitable that racial tensions would come to the fore at some point.
  4. Episode 5 Strange Doings in the Taboo Groves
    Archer Recap: Pammy Gettin’ Hers Amber Nash is Archer’s ultimate secret weapon.
  5. Episode 4 A Warrior in Costume
    Archer Danger Island Recap: Ziegler’s Follies In the fourth episode of the season, we meet this season’s iteration of Barry: Ziegler, a German fighter pilot.
  6. Episode 3 Different Modes of Preparing the Fruit
    Archer: Danger Island Recap: Anyone for Chinchilladas? This week, the series makes some promising moves toward creating meaning within the parameters it’s set for itself.
  7. Episode 2 Disheartening Situation
    Archer Recap: Welcome to the Jungle Who cares if Archer isn’t tunneling into its neuroses? Supersized Komodo dragons are afoot!
  8. Episode 1 Strange Pilot

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