The latest TV recaps and news from Netflix’s Bodyguard.


  1. Episode 6 Episode 6
    Bodyguard Finale Recap: Inside Man The season concludes with a finale whose revelations are as complex and compelling as the setup that preceded it.
  2. Episode 5 Episode 5
    Bodyguard Recap: Kompromat The season’s penultimate episode deepens the series’ mysteries and sets up a doozy of a finale.
  3. Episode 4 Episode 4
    Bodyguard Recap: Collateral Damage A shocking twist dramatically changes the series as it propels into the second half of its season.
  4. Episode 3 Episode 3
    Bodyguard Recap: Security Protocol David gets more deeply entangled in the conspiracies and power struggles as the list of suspects grows.
  5. Episode 2 Episode 2
    Bodyguard Recap: In the Line of Fire David and Julia’s relationship grows more complicated as a domestic terror incident shakes up the country.
  6. Episode 1 Episode 1
    Bodyguard Premiere Recap: A Substantial Threat The BBC’s biggest hit, a story of a morally conflicted bodyguard and the hawkish home secretary he’s sworn to protect, comes to Netflix.

The Latest Bodyguard News

  1. video
    How Richard Madden’s Childhood Prepared Him for Bodyguard and Rocketman “I always look for something different.”
  2. free stuff
    Cor Blimey, the BBC Has A Lot of Free Scripts to Download, Innit? The BBC Script Library is here for your anglophile needs.
  3. chat room
    Richard Madden on His Bodyguard Globes Nomination, Saying ‘Ma’am,’ and Rocketman “I had to give as much as I could with the word ma’am.”
  4. last night on late night
    Netflix’s Hasan Minhaj Calls Out Netflix’s Bodyguard Over Islamophobia “Oh, to be white!”
  5. behind the scenes
    How Bodyguard Pulled Off Its 4 Most Heart-Pounding Scenes Creator Jed Mercurio takes us behind the scenes of his British crime drama’s absurdly tense moments.
  6. chat room
    Yes, Bodyguard’s Keeley Hawes Loves How Richard Madden Says ‘Ma’am’ Too “It sounds like Mum, doesn’t it? In an American accent.”
  7. spoilers
    Bodyguard Blows Itself Up in the Worst Way The hit British thriller is fantastic … right up until its biggest twist.
  8. tv review
    Bodyguard Is Now on Netflix, So Prepare for a Nail-Biting Binge The tense British hit starring Game of Thrones’ Richard Madden will hook you from minute one.