Cowboy Bebop (Netflix) — TV Episode Recaps & News

Cowboy Bebop (Netflix)

  1. Episode 10 Supernova Symphony
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: See You Space Cowboy At long last, Spike’s past and present have collided.
  2. Episode 9 Blue Crow Waltz
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: Married to the Mob We were always going to get a flashback episode eventually, right?
  3. Episode 8 Sad Clown a-Go-Go
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: The Tears of a Clown One of the more memorable villains in the original anime is no less unnerving in live-action.
  4. Episode 7 Galileo Hustle
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: Are You My Mother? In which Faye is crowned our scam queen.
  5. Episode 6 Binary Two-Step
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: Do Cowboys Dream of Electric Sheep? It’s time to dig into what makes Spike Spiegel tick.
  6. Episode 5 Darkside Tango
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: The Long Good-bye A classic noir episode with Jet Black is a fun exercise in style, but the whodunit plot is at times frustratingly obvious.
  7. Episode 4 Callisto Soul
  8. Episode 3 Dog Star Swing
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: Hounds of Love A goofy MacGuffin and lucrative bounty on Mars make for a fun episode.
  9. Episode 2 Venus Pop
    Cowboy Bebop Recap: Everybody Comes to Ana’s The prickly chemistry between Spike and Jet is one of Cowboy Bebop’s core strengths.
  10. Episode 1 Cowboy Gospel
    Cowboy Bebop Series-Premiere Recap: Three, Two, One, Let’s Jam Cowboy Bebop’s premiere is telling you what to expect from the Netflix series: blood, banter, and big bangs.

The Latest Cowboy Bebop News

  1. three two one let's jam
    Cowboy Bebop’s Creator Is Back With a Jazzy New Sci-Fi Anime Shinichirō Watanabe’s Lazarus sounds like a return to the anime director’s roots.
  2. vulture lists
    What to Watch After Binging Cowboy Bebop In the mood for more ennui?
  3. chat room
    Alex Hassell on the Immense Discomfort of Re-creating Cowboy Bebop’s Iconic Duel “There was the tightness of my trousers and then your legs start to cramp and it’s like, ‘Have we got it?’”
  4. the vulture transcript
    Cowboy Bebop (Finally) Takes Flight Eight months of delays, two corgis, and one freak injury: the show’s stars on the long road to remaking an anime classic.
  5. tv review
    Cowboy Bebop’s New Shine Can’t Replace Its Old Soul What Netflix’s adaptation of the cult-classic anime gains in visual thrill, it loses in its understanding of the original’s melancholy center.
  6. vulture festival 2021
    The Many, Many Highlights of Vulture Festival 2021 Yes, that’s JoJo Siwa and Henry Winkler taking a selfie.
  7. vulture festival 2021
    John Cho Was Afraid He’d Be ‘Too Sexy’ As Cowboy Bebop’s Spike Cho also says he felt pressure bringing the iconic character to life.
  8. trailer mix
    John Cho Rocks Steady in Cowboy Bebop Trailer All aboard the Bebop.
  9. vulture festival 2021
    3rd Rock From the Sun and Cowboy Bebop Are Coming to Vulture Festival Dancing With the Stars, Bosch with Hollywood Handbook, Sarah Silverman, Seth Rogen, and much, much more just got added to our lineup!
  10. fall preview 2021
    John Cho Trained Like a Superhero for Cowboy Bebop, the Anime-Classic Remake “The regimen was to become functionally athletic rather than show-horse athletic.”