Interplanetary high jinks are afoot in the jazzy new trailer for Netflix’s Cowboy Bebop, a live-action adaptation of the beloved 1998 anime series. John Cho stars as space cowboy Spike Spiegel, a bounty hunter aboard the good ship Bebop with his crew Jet Black (Mustafa Shakir), Faye Valentine (Daniella Pineda), and Ein (a corgi). “In this solar system, if the cops and the bounty hunters don’t get ya, the syndicate will,” Cho says. The trailer begins by making the series look like a space-noir, and then a screwball adventure, and then something beyond genre. Whatever it is, it looks stylish. Cowboy Bebop premieres November 19, but …
… You’ll be able to get an exclusive early look at it at Vulture Festival on November 13, with the main cast in attendance. Yes, even Cho.