Dave — TV Episode Recaps & News


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What happens when a deeply insecure yet narcissistic man becomes famous? That’s the main question that Dave is asking at this point. For two seasons, we’ve followed a fictionalized version of rapper Dave Burd, a.k.a. Lil Dicky, on his rise from meme to honest-to-God touring musician with a studio album. In that time, Dave went through a long creative drought, moved back in with his parents, and repeatedly alienated almost every important person in his life: his (now ex-)girlfriend Ally, hype man GaTa, roommate and manager Mike, childhood friend and producer Elz, and old co-worker and graphic designer Emma. — Ben Rosenstock, “Dave Season-Premiere Recap: Young and Wild

  1. Episode 10 Looking for Love
    Dave Season-Finale Recap: Certified Lover Boy Dave goes for his “nothing was the same” moment in the finale, but he continues to fail upwards, so everything is the same.
  2. Episode 9 Dream Girl
    Dave Recap: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Someone tell Rachel McAdams to run!
  3. Episode 8 Met Gala
    Dave Recap: Hollywood Pecking-Order Bullshit As we all know, Dave is canonically a sellout, no matter how pure his original ambitions are.
  4. Episode 7 Rebirthday
    Dave Recap: Actually Kinda Cute Dave and Robyn’s relationship is moving really fast.
  5. Episode 6 #RIPLilDicky
    Dave Recap: All About Content Dave’s encounter with his own mortality (and Anne Frank) forces him to consider the future of Lil Dicky.
  6. Episode 5 The Storm
    Dave Recap: The Belly of the Beast Dave might think he knows what’s best for his fans, but he has a lot to learn about the people who admire him.
  7. Episode 4 Wisconsin
  8. Episode 3 Hearsay
    Dave Recap: 50-Band Man It’s interesting (and devastating) to see how GaTa reckons with his success compared to how Dave handles fame.
  9. Episodes 1 - 2 Texas / Harrison Ave
    Dave Season-Premiere Recap: Young and Wild Dave might be a famous, honest-to-God touring musician with a studio album, but he’s finding out that fame won’t erase his old insecurities.

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