Killing Eve - TV Episode Recaps & News

Killing Eve

  1. Episode 8 God, I’m Tired
    Killing Eve Season-Finale Recap: In Love and War The finale, surprisingly, is the funniest hour since the pilot.
  2. Episode 7 I Don’t Want to Be Free
    Killing Eve Recap: The Girl Who Became Villanelle Eve sets out to learn what made Villanelle into a killer.
  3. Episode 6 Take Me to the Hole!
    Killing Eve Recap: All Roads Lead to Moscow Does Eve really have such a bleeding heart?
  4. Episode 5 I Have a Thing About Bathrooms
    Killing Eve Recap: Dinner Date Jodie Comer’s wicked smiles have become one of my favorite things about Killing Eve.
  5. Episode 4 Sorry Baby
    Killing Eve Recap: The Mole Hunt Uh-oh, Villanelle knows where Eve lives now.
  6. Episode 3 Don’t I Know You?
  7. Episode 2 I’ll Deal With Him Later
    Killing Eve Recap: Workaholics Eve and Villanelle are caught in surprisingly similar places.
  8. Episode 1 Nice Face
    Killing Eve Series-Premiere Recap: Cat Meets Mouse Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s spy thriller is off to a fun, creepy, and compelling start.
  1. Episode 8 You’re Mine
    Killing Eve Season Finale Recap: This is What You Wanted Maybe Villanelle was right after all, and Eve is more like her than she thought.
  2. Episode 7 Wide Awake
    Killing Eve Recap: You Don’t Want to Touch Them? Deep down, Eve knows that there’s an explosion at the end of the path she’s walking, even if she can’t stop herself from following it.
  3. Episode 6 I Hope You Like Missionary!
    Killing Eve Recap: Does it Excite You? Make no mistake: This is about the intersection of lies and intimacy and power, and how it has both everything and nothing to do with sex.
  4. Episode 5 Smell Ya Later
    Killing Eve Recap: A Bit More Fun All of the most intimate and important parts of Eve’s life now revolve squarely around Villanelle, which leaves little room for Niko. Poor Niko.
  5. Episode 4 Desperate Times
    Killing Eve Recap: Ghosted Eve and Villanelle’s respective attempts to move on only highlight how much each has emotionally invested in the other.
  6. Episode 3 The Hungry Caterpillar
    Killing Eve Recap: She’ll Love You to Death Despite a number of interventions, Eve remains hell-bent on finding Villanelle, and unconcerned with who or what she has to bulldoze to get there.
  7. Episode 2 Nice and Neat
    Killing Eve Recap: This Is What You Get As Villanelle convalesces in a creepy dollhouse slash Misery sickbed, we see her afraid for the first time, and it’s difficult to watch.
  8. Episode 1 Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?
    Killing Eve Season Premiere Recap: What You Feel Like When You Kill Someone Eve has crossed a line that cannot be uncrossed, one that has brought her closer to Villanelle not only literally but in her very identity.
  1. Episode 8 Are You Leading or Am I?
  2. Episode 7 Beautiful Monster
    Killing Eve Recap: A Love of Chaos Death knocks on Carolyn’s door again in an exceedingly fun episode packed with heart attacks and deaths, yearning gazes and near misses.
  3. Episode 6 End of Game
    Killing Eve Recap: Galvanized Villanelle says she wants out, but is that really what she desires?
  4. Episode 5 Are You From Pinner?
    Killing Eve Recap: My Mother’s Daughter Villanelle finds closure. But to what end?
  5. Episode 4 Still Got It
  6. Episode 3 Meetings Have Biscuits
    Killing Eve Recap: Smell Me Eve and Villanelle crash into each other.
  7. Episode 2 Management Sucks
    Killing Eve Recap: Those Left Behind In the wake of tragedy, Eve and Carolyn find their lives occupied by grief in dramatically different ways.
  8. Episode 1 Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey
    Killing Eve Season-Premiere Recap: End of Story Despite Eve’s best efforts, the darkness she’s trying to avoid worms itself back into her life in particularly heartbreaking fashion.
  1. Episode 8 Hello, Losers
    Killing Eve Series-Finale Recap: A Mad Endgame Killing Eve’s series finale is true to the show’s earliest form: Belonging almost entirely to Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer.
  2. Episode 7 Making Dead Things Look Nice
    Killing Eve Recap: A Life Most Ordinary As the end of the series approaches, everyone is desperate to break free from their purposeless and boring purgatories.
  3. Episode 6 Oh Goodie, I’m the Winner
    Killing Eve Recap: Do Your Wurst This episode just goes to show that you can’t keep a good Villanelle down.
  4. Episode 5 Don’t Get Attached
    Killing Eve Recap: Carolyn’s Story Eve’s investigation into the Twelve progresses, but so is her collapse into evil. Meanwhile, Villanelle is the Robin Hood of murder.
  5. Episode 4 It’s Agony and I’m Ravenous
    Killing Eve Recap: Really Strange Bedfellows Which of these new couples will go the distance (not murder each other)?
  6. Episode 3 A Rainbow In Beige Boots
    Killing Eve Recap: The Scorpion and the Frog Killing Eve has been building toward this outcome for seasons — why isn’t it more gratifying?
  7. Episode 2 Don’t Get Eaten
    Killing Eve Recap: What Would Drag Jesus Do? As we quickly approach the series finale, it’s worth asking what Killing Eve is “about.”
  8. Episode 1 Just Dunk Me
    Killing Eve Season-Premiere Recap: You Are Going to Die Maybe we were wrong to read so much romance in Eve and Villanelle. Maybe they were always foes preparing to duel.

The Latest Killing Eve News

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    Killing Eve Season 4 Trailer: Kiss of Death No, really, let them kiss again.
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    Sandra Oh on Whether She’d Return to Grey’s Anatomy: ‘No’ “While I understand and I love it, I have moved on.”
  7. killing eve
    Killing Eve Will Hang Up the Murder Couture After Its Fourth Season AMC Networks is, however, exploring ideas for a spinoff.
  8. emmy insider
    Sorry, Villanelle, Fiona Shaw Is My Killing Eve Fashion Idol The slacks! The blouses! And, my God, the coats!
  9. nils sjöberg
    Listen to This ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ Cover Maybe Sung by Taylor Swift’s Bro Welcome back, Nils.
  10. tv review
    Killing Eve Can Still Shock in Season 3, But It Can No Longer Astonish The jarring season premiere reveals a series that once felt like nothing else on television now using shock value as a crutch.