Master of None - TV Episode Recaps & News

Master of None

  1. Episode 10 Finale
  2. Episode 9 Mornings
    Master of None Recap: Real Love Those early hours before the day begins, when working people get to love.
  3. Episode 8 Old People
    Master of None Recap: Call Your Grandma Aging in America is a thankless task. 
  4. Episode 7 Ladies and Gentlemen
    Master of None Recap: It’s Harder Being a Woman Men live in a different world from women. I could write that ten times, and it still wouldn’t be enough.
  5. Episode 6 Nashville
    Master of None Recap: on Indian Actors Who Date White We fall in love with the people around us.
  6. Episode 5 The Other Man
    Master of None Recap: Dev Tries to Be Bad This episode’s last scene is a manifestation of Aziz’s most unique trait as a budding auteur.
  7. Episode 4 Indians on TV
    Let’s Talk About the Apu Accent Most brown people in Hollywood — men in particular — cannot escape it.
  8. Episode 3 Hot Ticket
    Master of None Recap: Love in the Time of Cartman Impressions Waitress Alice is a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
  9. Episode 2 Parents
    On Master of None, the Kids Are All Right, But the Parents Are Better When I first watched episode two, “Parents,” I couldn’t quite catch my breath.
  10. Episode 1 Plan B
    Master of None Series Premiere Recap: Red, Brown, and Blue Does anyone really want to sacrifice personal happiness given the choice?
  1. Episode 10 Buona Notte
    Master of None Season-Finale Recap: A Kiss Through the Door Dev and Francesca have one last chance to take a big risk.
  2. Episode 9 Amarsi Un Po
    Master of None Recap: Love Each Other a Little “Amarsi Un Po” builds the tension in Dev and Francesca’s relationship.
  3. Episode 8 Thanksgiving
    Master of None Recap: Turkey Day “Thanksgiving” is Master of None at its best.
  4. Episode 7 Door #3
    Master of None Recap: Best Food Friends Should Dev forget about the woman of his dreams?
  5. Episode 6 New York, I Love You
    Master of None Recap: A New York Anthology “New York, I Love You” follows three characters who don’t usually get the TV treatment.
  6. Episode 5 The Dinner Party
    Master of None Recap: Say Hello, Wave Goodbye Dev’s crush on Francesca is sweet, but it’s also fairly bland.
  7. Episode 4 First Date
    Master of None Recap: Date Night Aziz Ansari has some fascinating thoughts about dating culture.
  8. Episode 3 Religion
    Master of None Recap: Only God Can Judge Me “Religion” is a damn good episode.
  9. Episode 2 Le Nozze
    Master of None Recap: Amazing Bites The most indulgent montages of food porn in Master of None to date.
  10. Episode 1 The Thief
    Master of None Season-Premiere Recap: A Trip to Italy “The Thief” is a comforting introduction to Dev’s new life.
  1. Episode 5 Moments In Love, Chapter 5
    Master of None Season-Finale Recap: Reconcile and Rekindle Years removed from the conflict that tore them apart, Denise and Alicia have reached a revelation, but one accompanied by deceit.
  2. Episode 4 Moments in Love, Chapter 4
    Master of None Recap: And Baby Makes Two This is a journey Alicia wanted to take surrounded by love and support. Instead, she’s battling her body, her finances, and her own emotions.
  3. Episode 3 Moments in Love, Chapter 3
    Master of None Recap: Aftermath and Introspection Chapter 3 drafts a fine blueprint of how deeply painful divorce can be when the failure feels not just personal, but representational.
  4. Episode 2 Moments in Love, Chapter 2
    Master of None Recap: Two to Tango Broken by a double betrayal, Alicia and Denise realize that they simply cannot be what the other needs anymore.
  5. Episode 1 Moments in Love, Chapter 1
    Master of None Season-Premiere Recap: Forever and a Day The life Denise (Lena Waithe) and Alicia (Naomi Ackie) have made together is a beautiful one that neither feels fully at home in.

The Latest Master of None News

  1. acting
    Master of None’s IVF Episode Understands the Value of a Great Nurse How the wonderful Nurse Cordelia, played by Cordelia Blair, went from a single-scene role to episode four’s most consistent, calming presence.
  2. tv review
    Master of None’s Third Season Is Slowly But Surely Gratifying The new Lena Waithe–focused iteration of Aziz Ansari’s Netflix series is resoundingly low-key, but it packs a subtle punch thanks to Naomi Ackie.
  3. trailer mix
    Master of None Season 3 Trailer: That’s Black Amore Now starring Lena Waithe and Naomi Ackie.
  4. tv
    Master of None Season 3 Will Premiere on Netflix in May After a four-year-long hiatus.
  5. the vulture transcript
    Alan Yang’s Art-House Comedies The co-creator of Forever on making Cassavetes for people of color, Master of None season three, and Parks and Recreation’s epic Secret Santas.
  6. movies
    John Cho to Star in Master of None Co-creator’s Next Big Project And this time, it’s a drama.
  7. Netflix Would Make Another Season of Master of None ‘Whenever Aziz Is Ready’ The streaming giant offered its first public support of Ansari after he was accused of sexual misconduct.
  8. glaad media awards
    Lena Waithe Uses GLAAD Acceptance Speech to Call for LGBT Unity “Laverne Cox’s struggle may look different than mine, but the pain we feel is the same.”
  9. profile
    Lena Waithe Is Creating the Culture The Emmy winner simply tells the stories that she knows best. The difference is that, suddenly, everyone wants to listen.
  10. Jen Chaney’s 10 Best TV Shows of 2017 Big Little Lies was the most invigorating series I watched all year.