Mr. Robot - TV Episode Recaps & News

Mr. Robot

  1. Episode 10 zer0-day.avi
    Mr. Robot Recap: I Have to Know What Happened The finale — while filled with some of the show’s most visually compelling shots and crispest dialogue yet — was, at its core, transitional.
  2. Episode 9 m1rr0r1ng.qt
    Mr. Robot Recap: I’m Pretty Far From Okay The twist is finally revealed.
  3. Episode 8 wh1ter0se.m4v
    Mr. Robot Recap: Did You Forget Who I Am? Last night’s episode was a turning point — the first time the veil was lifted and we glimpsed the real world. 
  4. Episode 7 v1ew-s0urce.flv
    Mr. Robot Recap: I’ve Helped a Lot of People Angela makes a deal with the devil.
  5. Episode 6 br4ve-trave1er.asf
    Mr. Robot Recap: What’s in the Trunk? The final scene tonight was one of Mr. Robot’s best.
  6. Episode 5 eps1.4_3xpl0its.wmv
  7. Episode 4 da3m0ns.mp4
    Mr. Robot Recap: Casualties in Every Revolution Elliot gets closer and closer to reaching his emotional and psychological core.
  8. Episode 3 d3bug.mkv
    Mr. Robot Recap: Kill Me or Embrace Me Everyone’s got a “bug.”
  9. Episode 2 eps1.1_ones-and-zer0es.mpeg
    Mr. Robot Recap: Ones and Zeroes After a compelling pilot, Mr. Robot paces in unfocused circles.
  10. Episode 1
    Mr. Robot Series Premiere Recap: You Say You Want a Revolution Even in the era of Peak TV, it’s rare to see a show like this.
  1. Episode 12 eps2.9_pyth0n-pt2.p7z
    Mr. Robot Season-Finale Recap: The Hall of Mirrors “You only see what’s in front of you, not what’s above you.”
  2. Episode 11 eps2.9_pyth0n-pt1.p7z
    Mr. Robot Recap: Mind Awake, Body Asleep An episode operated by dream logic, complete with eerie silences and strange, evocative imagery. 
  3. Episode 10 eps2.8h1dden-pr0cess.axx
    Mr. Robot Recap: The Day of Reckoning “eps2.8_h1dden-pr0cess.axx” is one of Mr. Robot’s greatest episodes.
  4. Episode 9 eps2.7_init_5.fve
    Mr. Robot Recap: There Is No Normal At long last, Mr. Robot pares an episode down to the bare essentials.
  5. Episode 8 eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12
    Mr. Robot Recap: Paranoid Android “eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12” is a tense, thrilling episode.
  6. Episode 7 eps2.5_h4ndshake.sme
    Mr. Robot Recap: This Really Happened Tonight’s big twist doesn’t make the past six episodes any more coherent.
  7. Episode 6 eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes
    Mr. Robot Recap: Too Many Cooks “eps2.4_m4ster-s1ave.aes” showcases Mr. Robot at its worst and at its best.
  8. Episode 5 eps2.3_logic-b0mb.hc
    Mr. Robot Recap: The Logic Bomb After weeks of wheel-spinning, Mr. Robot finally pieces itself together.
  9. Episode 4 “eps2.2init1.asec”
    Mr. Robot Recap: A Game to End All Games Even for Mr. Robot, this episode is heavy-handed.
  10. Episode 3 eps2.1_k3rnel-pan1c.ksd
    Mr. Robot Recap: Fun Society It’s starting to feel like Mr. Robot has developed an identity crisis.
  11. Episodes 1 - 2;
    Mr. Robot Season Premiere Recap: Behind the Mask The post-hack world of Mr. Robot has no shortage of chilling moments.
  1. Episode 10 eps3.9_shutdown-r
    Mr. Robot Season Finale Recap: Learning to Live Despite some bumps, Mr. Robot’s third season has been a creative resurgence.
  2. Episode 9 eps3.8_stage3.torrent
    Mr. Robot Recap: Stage 3 The season’s penultimate episode is an ungainly mess.
  3. Episode 8 eps3.7dont-delete-me.ko
    Mr. Robot Recap: These Old Memories An unusually sentimental episode that earns its shift in tone.
  4. Episode 7 eps3.6_frederick&tanya.chk
    Mr. Robot Recap: Moment of Truth In the aftermath of the Dark Army’s attack, there’s no guarantee that the good guys will ever win.
  5. Episode 6
    Mr. Robot Recap: Point of Failure Whiterose has everyone chasing each other in a maze of her own creation.
  6. Episode 5 eps3.4runtime-error.r00
    Mr. Robot Recap: Contingency Plans Let’s talk about the long take in this episode.
  7. Episode 4 eps3.3metadata.par2
    Mr. Robot Recap: Anything Is Possible Will Angela wind up taking the fall for the Dark Army?
  8. Episode 3
    Mr. Robot Recap: An Unnecessary Detour For the life of me, I don’t know why this episode exists.
  9. Episode 2 eps3.1_undo.gz
    Mr. Robot Recap: Hitting the Undo Button In season three, Mr. Robot is cleaning house.
  10. Episode 1 eps3.0_power-saver-mode.h
    Mr. Robot Season-Premiere Recap: A Whole New World Elliot launches a one-man war against the Dark Army.
  1. Episodes 12 - 13 Series Finale
    Mr. Robot Series-Finale Recap: Hello, Elliot The series casually and confidently reveals its final twist, destabilizing Mr. Robot’s reality without upending its emotional center.
  2. Episode 11 Exit
    Mr. Robot Recap: A World Worth Fighting For An often maddening, occasionally thrilling penultimate episode of the series opens up some new doors at the very last minute.
  3. Episode 10 410 Gone
    Mr. Robot Recap: Run Away With Me What does Dom and Darlene’s relationship look like now that they’re both on the other side of a hellacious threat?
  4. Episode 9 409 Conflict
    Mr. Robot Recap: Turning the Tables With nothing left to lose, Price teams up with Elliot to ensure Angela didn’t die in vain.
  5. Episode 8 408 Request Timeout
    Mr. Robot Recap: Fighting Back Reeling from a traumatic revelation, Elliot must refashion what he perceives as cowardice into a version of strength.
  6. Episode 7 Proxy Authentication Required
    Mr. Robot Recap: You Become the Storm It’s a terrifying new world, and Elliot’s emotional safety net might have finally unraveled.
  7. Episode 6 406 Not Acceptable
    Mr. Robot Recap: A True Xmas Nightmare Elliot’s has had blood on his hands before, but he’s rarely had to look his collateral damage in the eye.
  8. Episode 5 405 Method Not Allowed
    Mr. Robot Recap: Do You Hear What I Hear? A nearly silent episode takes its cues from Rififi for a heist that makes up in style what it lacks in realism.
  9. Episode 4 404 Not Found
    Mr. Robot Recap: The Outsiders The best episode of this final season so far sends off a frequently sidelined character on the highest note possible.
  10. Episode 3 403 Forbidden
    Mr. Robot Recap: Russian Roulette On the heels of another big twist, Mr. Robot pauses to tell a grounded story that succeeds on a simple premise and a compelling guest turn.
  11. Episode 2 402 Payment Required
    Mr. Robot Recap: Squeeze My Hand As Elliot re-enters the deep end of hacker terrorists and global crises, he suddenly has another person on his hands.
  12. Episode 1 401 Unauthorized
    Mr. Robot Season-Premiere Recap: No Exit After an extended break, the series returns for its final season with a streamlined narrative and a return to its emotional core.

The Latest Mr. Robot News

  1. the office
    How Hollywood Depicted the New York Office It was where our dreams and anxieties unfolded.
  2. encounter
    Sunita Mani Is Taking Up Space In the alien-invasion comedy Save Yourselves!, she finally gets a leading movie role written just for her.
  3. chat room
    Mr. Robot’s Michael Cristofer on How to Sell a Great Monologue “It has to feel like you might stop talking at any moment. Then a new thought comes to kick your ass into the next sentence.”
  4. quiet zone
    Mr. Robot Goes Silent, and Joins an Elite TV Club This week’s nearly dialogue-free episode extends a recent history of great TV shows that became their best selves by shutting up.
  5. q&a
    Will Mr. Robot Have a Happy Ending? Talking with showrunner Sam Esmail about paranoid thrillers, speculative fiction, and finishing up his USA drama.
  6. tv review
    Mr. Robot’s Final Season Brings a Unique Vision Into Focus Season four of the cyberthriller is a virtuosic culmination of everything creator Sam Esmail has built to date.
  7. fall preview 2019
    The Best and Biggest TV Shows to Watch This Fall The Morning Show, Watchmen, Nancy Drew, and more.
  8. dramatic conclusions
    Mr. Robot’s Last Season Will, Of Course, Be ‘One Very Long Christmas Special’ The show’s fourth season will reportedly take place over the week of Christmas 2015.
  9. coming to an end
    Mr. Robot to Go Offline After Season 4 Or is that just what the deep state wants you to think?
  10. comics
    Mr. Robot Prequel Comic Coming This Fall Series creator Sam Esmail is writing it.