Schitt’s Creek — TV Episode Recaps & News

Schitt's Creek

  1. Episode 13 Christmas
    Schitt’s Creek Holiday Special Recap: We Wish You a Schitty Christmas Johnny’s determination to revive the Rose family Christmas traditions leads to a weird, perfectly imperfect holiday celebration.
  1. Episode 14 Life Is a Cabaret
    Schitt’s Creek Season Finale Recap: Curtain Call With the Cabaret premiere upon us, Miss Stevie Budd earns her spotlight in a hilarious, heartfelt finale.
  2. Episode 13 The Hike
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: A Bashful Clam and a Backpack of Cheese While David and Patrick are on a hike that’s more than a hike, Johnny battles a heart attack that’s less than a heart attack.
  3. Episode 12 The Roast
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: We’re Gonna Need to Get Shots Ted and Alexis’s give and take relationship (he gives, she takes) is put to the test by a “dumb, once-in-a-lifetime job opportunity.”
  4. Episode 11 Meet The Parents
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: There Will Be a Surprise and There Will Be Tears David’s plans for Patrick’s surprise birthday party lead to a different sort of surprise entirely, in what’s easily the best episode of the season.
  5. Episode 10 Roadkill
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: First the Tamagotchis, Now This? We take a break from Cabaret rehearsals to get down to business — serious business, kinky business, and spa business alike.
  6. Episode 9 The M.V.P.
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: The Little League Record for Most Times Hit by a Ball Witness David Rose, in full uniform, participating in a team sport. Truly, what a time to be alive.
  7. Episode 8 The Hospies
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: The Search for Sally Bowles Moira and Johnny both get opportunities to trot out their newfound parenting skills, to varying degrees of success.
  8. Episode 7 A Whisper of Desire
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Hopefully Some Holds Barred Small-town theater plus Moira Rose? It was only a matter of time — and the time is now.
  9. Episode 6 Rock On!
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Was It the Lack of Ground Rules? With Alexis’ “help,” David nearly spirals out over his relationship with Patrick — and illustrates how much he’s grown in the process.
  10. Episode 5 Housewarming
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Dressed to the Nines in Choking Hazards Johnny and Moira have some adventures in behbey-sitting, while their actual kids live through some real team drama.
  11. Episode 4 The Dress
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Off the Rack While Moira’s still imagining a life beyond Schitt’s Creek, her kids are illustrating how much the town has changed them for the better.
  12. Episode 3 The Plant
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: A Must-Stay Who knew a place called Schitt’s Creek would turn out to be the best place on the planet to fall and stay in love?
  13. Episode 2 Love Letters
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: 50 Shades of Johnny Rose Rose Apothecary may have gotten robbed (well, sort of), but it’s Moira who steals this episode.
  14. Episode 1 The Crowening
    Schitt’s Creek Season Premiere Recap: Winging It Plucking Moira away from the Rose family only highlights how loving this show’s central relationships are.
  1. Episode 14 Happy Ending
    Schitt’s Creek Series-Finale Recap: Simply the Best David and Patrick’s dream wedding may not be what they planned, but it’s the happy ending they (and we) deserve.
  2. Episode 13 Start Spreading the News
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Separate Paths The Roses and friends are all getting the happy endings they deserve, and we are all blubbering messes.
  3. Episode 12 The Pitch
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: A Day in the Big Red Delicious A promising development prompts the Roses — and us viewers — to imagine what life looks like for them outside of Schitt’s Creek.
  4. Episode 11 The Bachelor Party
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Jodie Foster’s Escape Room The saddest bachelor party you’ve ever laid eyes on ends with some good news for Johnny and a bittersweet realization for Alexis and David.
  5. Episode 10 Sunrise, Sunset
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Meanwhile, On Sunrise Bay … Moira and Alexis Rose are becoming a true dream team, huh?
  6. Episode 9 Rebound
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: A New Old Boyfriend Both Johnny and Moira are made to own up to past errors, each rising to the occasion in their own inimitable way.
  7. Episode 8 The Presidential Suite
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Breaking Up Is Hard to Do We knew this was probably coming, but that doesn’t make it any easier.
  8. Episode 7 Moira Rosé
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Perfect Pairing Wine tasting, fitness cults, tearful heart-to-hearts — please stay hydrated out there, Roses!
  9. Episode 6 The Wingman
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: A Carefully Orchestrated, Entirely Deliberate Stunt Alexis is making her PR-maven dreams come true, but it might be at the expense of her relationship with our favorite Galapa-guy.
  10. Episode 5 Crows Premiere
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Roll Out the Merlot Carpet The Crows Have Eyes is the gift that keeps on giving, and this week it gives us some ornithological chaos at the film’s premiere/viewing party.
  11. Episode 4 Maid of Honour
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Brothers & Sisters David and Alexis making overt gestures of affection, who’d have imagined?
  12. Episode 3 The Job Interview
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: Friends With Money That’s right, people: The Roses and the Schitts are going into business together.
  13. Episode 2 The Incident
    Schitt’s Creek Recap: The Nighttime Oopsy-Daisy Patrick’s ability to delicately navigate Rose family disasters bodes very well for his and David’s future.
  14. Episode 1 Smoke Signals
    Schitt’s Creek Season-Premiere Recap: Out of the Closet The final season begins with a showcase of the gorgeous little love story that is Johnny and Moira Rose, with a side of indecent exposure.

The Latest Schitt’s Creek News

  1. ex-scream-ly online
    Schitt’s Creek’s Emily Hampshire Apologizes for Depp v. Heard Halloween Costume “I want to address what is one of the most thoughtless, insensitive, and ignorant things I’ve ever done,” the Schitt’s Creek star wrote.
  2. simply the best
    Dan Levy Stars As the Angel He Is in New Animated Series Standing By  A satirical comedy coming to Hulu.
  3. onward and upward
    Hollywood’s Six Pathways from Supporting Parts to Stardom How some of the most beloved character actors became some of the most beloved leads.
  4. chat room
    Dan Levy On Schitt’s Creek’s Fulsome, Splendrous Emmys Night “It almost felt like a game of ‘How to Host a Murder,’ where we all just got dressed up and the scene was awards night.”
  5. reruns
    Comedy Central Will Also Air Schitt’s Creek, So Now You Truly Have No Excuse Five episodes every Friday, which is almost as many as you would have binge-watched on your own.
  6. emmys 2020
    The Highs, Lows, and Hmms of the Mostly At-Home Emmys Congrats to the rich white TV families of the world.
  7. predictions
    What Will Win and What Should Win at the 2020 Emmys You can bet on these predictions … probably!
  8. you're a winner baby
    Watchmen. Schitt’s Creak Lead the TCA Awards HBO won in six of the 13 categories.
  9. chat room
    Schitt’s Creek’s Annie Murphy Choked on Bacon While Learning About Her Emmy Nom “It was a reactionary gasp.”
  10. video
    An Ode to Alexis and David’s Constant Bickering on Schitt’s Creek “Ew, David!”