The Man in the High Castle - TV Episode Recaps & News

The Man in the High Castle

  1. Episode 10 A Way Out
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Celluloid Dreams A good ending to an occasionally great season.
  2. Episode 9 Kindness
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: World War III “This isn’t like the other film.”
  3. Episode 8 End of the World
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Sayonara John Smith is no mere two-dimensional villain. Will his loyalty falter?
  4. Episode 7 Truth
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: A Known Subversive “If you fail, the girl dies with you.”
  5. Episode 6 Three Monkeys
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Speak No Evil “Nobody talks about the camps.”
  6. Episode 5 The New Normal
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Secrets and Blame “Things will never return to normal for you. They cannot.”
  7. Episode 4 Revelations
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Howdy We finally get to the meat of the season. What took so long?
  8. Episode 3 The Illustrated Woman
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: A Man With No Name These characters are beginning to feel stuck in a narrative rut.
  9. Episode 2 Sunrise
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: American Reich “Don’t let ‘em take your soul.”
  10. Episode 1 The New World
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: After the War The question at the heart of Amazon’s new drama: What if the Allies didn’t win World War II?
  1. Episode 10 Fallout
  2. Episode 9 Detonation
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Happy Days A shocking episode that sets the stage for an action-packed finale.
  3. Episode 8 Loose Lips
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: The Fog of War Rupert Evans deserves better than this.
  4. Episode 7 Land O’Smiles
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Frail Hitler The great Karyn Kusama brings a tight directorial hand to “Land O’Smiles.”
  5. Episode 6 Kintsugi
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Another Earth When will these disjointed story lines link together?
  6. Episode 5 Duck and Cover
    Man in the High Castle Recap: Spring Cleaning At the halfway point of the season, The Man in the High Castle feels too unfocused.
  7. Episode 4 Escalation
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: The Third Woman “Escalation” is proof that The Man in the High Castle needs more noir.
  8. Episode 3 Travelers
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Fathers and Sons Rufus Sewell and Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa shine in one of the show’s strongest episodes.
  9. Episode 2 The Road Less Traveled
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: American Reich “I thought victory was winning. Now I’ve convinced myself it’s surviving.”
  10. Episode 1 The Tiger’s Cave
    The Man in the High Castle Season-Premiere Recap: An Unnatural Mind We finally get to meet the Man in the High Castle.
  1. Episode 10 Jahr Null
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: A Light Goes Out The Reich scores some victories, both symbolic and real, as the season comes to a close.
  2. Episode 9 Baku
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: The Different Truth The possibility of World War III continues to loom as a favorite character meets an ugly fate.
  3. Episode 8 Kasumi (Through the Mists)
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Genetic Purity Helen Smith makes some confessions that could mean trouble in the long run.
  4. Episode 7 Excess Animus
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Travelers Juliana tries to use a movie to stir up some resistance while Kido shows his monstrous side.
  5. Episode 6 History Ends
  6. Episode 5 The New Colossus
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Hey Joe Rockwell and Hoover’s alliance comes to a sudden end as a major character reaches the end of the road.
  7. Episode 4 Sabra
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Carpe Diem An iconic real-world moment casts a shadow on a violent and sexually charged outing.
  8. Episode 3 Sensô Kôi
  9. Episode 2 Imagine Manchuria
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: The Lotus Eater Helen Smith battles grief and unwanted media attention in season three’s more focused second episode.
  10. Episode 1 Now More Than Ever, We Care About You
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Tomorrow Belongs to Me After a long delay, the series returns with a new showrunner, new characrers, and some raised stakes.
  1. Episode 10 Fire From the Gods
    The Man in the High Castle Series Finale Recap: My Fellow Americans The series ties up its two most complicated character arcs in satisfying fashion, and leaves everything else in the realm of ambiguity.
  2. Episode 9 For Want of a Nail
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: The War Room A Smith-centric penultimate episode reveals just how much of this season has been one big misdirect.
  3. Episode 8 Hitler Has Only Got One Ball
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Loose Ends Transitions of power are going down everywhere, as two of this show’s most powerful men are watching their reigns come to an end.
  4. Episode 7 No Masters But Ourselves
    The Man in the High Castle: Setting Sun The combination of force by the BCR and Kido’s discovery of his backbone lead to a major turning point for the show.
  5. Episode 6 All Serious Daring
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Steal Fire From the Gods With the Japanese seeming unclear what to do next, the BCR is in a state of flux after the carnage that destroyed the chance for peace.
  6. Episode 5 Mauvaise Foi
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: A Reflection of a Reflection The series’ most moving episode yet sees John Smith confronting some ghosts for his past.
  7. Episode 4 Happy Trails
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? When John and Helen Smith host Fuhrer Heinrich Himmler and family for dinner, you could cut the tension with a sausage knife.
  8. Episode 3 The Box
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: If We Must Die Violence in any timeline often just begets more violence.
  9. Episode 2 Every Door Out…
    The Man in the High Castle Recap: Cat’s in the Cradle An episode focused on parents and children is characterized by the sense that this alternate reality isn’t a good one for future generations.
  10. Episode 1 Hexagram 64
    The Man in the High Castle Season Premiere Recap: Both Sides Now Tensions are rising as the Nazis move west against the backdrop of a strengthening resistance led by black people.

The Latest The Man in the High Castle News

  1. vulture festival 2019
    Community, The Bachelor, and The Man in the High Castle Head to Vulture Festival Six seasons and a Vulture Festival reunion!
  2. trailer mix
    The Man in the High Castle Season 3 Trailer: Fighting in the Name of Love Returning October 5.
  3. Is This How Amazon Rates Its TV Shows? A new report from Reuters suggests that the “first stream” matters a lot.
  4. 2017, the Year Pop Culture’s Darkest Thought Experiments Came to Life “What if someone wildly underqualified got elected president?” “Is it possible to separate the art from the artist?”
  5. sexual harassment
    Man in the High Castle Producer Says Amazon Executive Harassed Her The producer says Amazon investigated her allegation and she hasn’t had contact with the executive since.
  6. not the white house correspondents dinner
    Samantha Bee Imagines an Alternate Universe Where Hillary Clinton Is President “For a week after President Clinton won, we all heard this loud buzzing noise. I think it was the sound of the whizzing bullet we just dodged.”
  7. How Danger Mouse Created Resistance Radio for an Imaginary America Danger Mouse and Sam Cohen’s Resistance Radio soundtracks an alternate America.
  8. close reads
    Pop Culture Can’t Escape Donald Trump On seeing the political climate in everything.
  9. renewals
    Man in the High Castle Renewed for Third Season The series also gets a new showrunner.
  10. Man in the High Castle’s Real-World Parallels “There’s hope. Cling to it!”