What We Do in the Shadows — TV Episode Recaps & News

What We Do in the Shadows

  1. Episode 10 Sunrise, Sunset
    What We Do in the Shadows Season-Finale Recap: What’s Up, Sartre? What We Do in the Shadows does a classic sitcom reset, but nothing is really the same in the season-four finale.
  2. Episode 9 Freddie
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Call Me by Your Name Things are going bad for the vampires — so bad that Nandor is taking responsibility for his actions. Yeah …
  3. Episode 8 Go Flip Yourself
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Live, Laugh, Blood House Hunters meets bloodsuckers as the vampires attempt a reality-TV home makeover.
  4. Episode 7 Pine Barrens
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Shout at the (Jersey) Devil This is about as heartwarming as What We Do in the Shadows gets. (Insert Nadja making a barf gesture here.)
  5. Episode 6 The Wedding
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Wedding Bell Blues “Who comes first on the wedding night? I think Nandor might! On the wedding night!”
  6. Episode 5 Private School
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Incomprehensible Jesters “This is Staten Island, a veritable playground for the glitterati!”
  7. Episode 4 Night Market
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: The Grimm Teacher A trip to the night market reveals a hint of the old-new Guillermo, and not a moment too soon
  8. Episode 3 The Grand Opening
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Blood Life “I ain’t a cop, a snitch, or a narc!”
  9. Episode 2 The Lamp
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Djinn Blossoms With this gold coin, I thee re-dead.
  10. Episode 1 Reunited
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Go Flip Yourself “I have two words for you: vampire nightclub.”
  1. Episode 10 Exit Interview
    What We Do in the Shadows Season-Finale Recap: A Heart-to-Heart at Panera Bread That was a lot easier than anyone thought. Also, what the hell was Patton Oswalt doing in Staten Island?
  2. Episode 9 A Weekend at Morrigan Manor
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: A Weekend in the Country Would it hurt the group to show the Guide the smallest bit of kindness? (Obviously yes.)
  3. Episode 8 The Roast
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Losing My Edge One day you’re the scourge of nations, the next you’re picking up flaming dog poo in the suburbs.
  4. Episode 7 Hybrid Creatures
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: I’d Rather be Reading Bukowski Colin Robinson’s slam poetry is his deadliest offensive yet.
  5. Episode 6 Urgent Care
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: The Most Interesting Man in the World Stop showing interest in Colin Robinson, okay!?
  6. Episode 5 Local News
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Hello, My Name is Sally Rhubarb A vampire should always have their go bag packed.
  7. Episode 4 The Campaign
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Gum in the Gears Bureaucracy is the petty bullshit that reminds the common man in triplicate that he’s a useless speck.
  8. Episode 3 Pride Parade
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: It’s Raining Men The unspoken queer-platonic love affair between Nandor and Guillermo faces yet another test this week.
  9. Episode 2 A Night Out with the Guys
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Red Wine With Ice Just another night out in Staten Island.
  10. Episode 1 The Mall
    What We Do in the Shadows Season-Premiere Recap: Mall Walkers Shadow’s premiere draws out Guillermo’s reveal with the kind of clever gambit the show excels at.
  1. Episode 11 The Finale
    What We Do in the Shadows Series-Finale Recap: Casket Closed As a wise mug once said, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.”
  2. Episode 10 The Promotion
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: The Salazar Short The Cannon Capital employees might not be literal vampires, but Guillermo and the camera crew have plenty of evidence of them being absolute monsters.
  3. Episode 9 Come Out and Play
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: The Warriors Have the Staten Island vampires been to a party that wasn’t an elaborate trap to murder someone?
  4. Episode 8 P.I. Undercover: New York
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Video Village Seduced by the siren of show business and Pictionary.
  5. Episode 7 March Madness
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: The Vault A true endgame for Guillermo is finally starting to emerge.
  6. Episode 6 Laszlo’s Father
  7. Episode 5 Nandor’s Army
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Wall Street Vampires Nandor and Guillermo need to have a talk.
  8. Episode 4 The Railroad
    What We Do in the Shadows Recap: Running a Train Laszlo and Colin go to great lengths to protect Sean.
  9. Episodes 1 - 3 The Return of Jerry/Headhunting/Sleep Hypnosis
    What We Do in the Shadows Season-Premiere Recap: Mama’s Go-Go Juice We begin saying good-bye to our beloved vampires by introducing a new roommate, who reminds the gang they were supposed to conquer the world.

More on What We Do in the Shadows

  1. endings
    You Want Closure? What We Do in the Shadows Will Give You Closure.The series finale deploys an array of endings that highlights the folly of seeking a closing beat for immortal creatures.
  2. chat room
    How Kayvan Novak’s Dad Helped Shape Nandor’s Big WWDITS Episode“It’s worth fighting for a good koobideh.”
  3. set visit
    Saying Good-bye to the Funniest Vampires on TVWhat We Do in the Shadows is coming to an end. Its idiosyncratic brand of comedy may be too.
  4. fall preview 2024
    56 TV Shows We Can’t Wait to Watch This FallWe don’t need dragons to have a good time.
  5. berry good news
    First-Time Emmy Nominee Matt Berry Will Not Be Preparing a SpeechPlease make him regret this!
  6. found in translation
    The Two NandorsThe meeting between What We Do in the Shadows’s loneliest vampire and his ghost exposes the fragile bonds between heritage, language, and identity.
  7. foolish mortals
    What We Do in the Shadows’ Sixth Season Will Be Its LastThe sun is coming up on television’s darkest, weirdest comedy.
  8. people talking
    Creating What We Do in the Shadows Is ‘All Panic and Desperation’The writers of the vampire comedy explain how they deal with gobs of supernatural lore and requests to make Nandor and Guillermo kiss.
  9. overly familiar
    Nandor + Guillermo + Kiss?What We Do in the Shadows writers have already given them a “profound” love story.
  10. close read
    There’s Still Life in What We Do in the Shadows’s Energy-Vampire GagFive seasons in, Colin Robinson’s limited character motivations could run the risk of monotony. Enter the Energy Vampire Council.
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