art candy

Making Cindy Sherman Proud

Mercedes Helnwein’s Untitled (Self-Portrait With Ribbon) (2006).Image courtesy of the artist and Bespoke Gallery, New York.

Mercedes Helnwein’s immaculately executed drawings play out like dramatically lit, attractively cast indie flicks. To wit: In various works a jaded Lower East Side spinster type acts coy, wears torturously high heels, and poses half-naked with a duck. In this exhibition, aptly titled “Strange Days,” Helnwein (the Austria-born artist and talented offspring of the Austrian-Irish painter–photographer–performance artist Gottfried Helnwein) pictures a cast of strong, mysterious, seductive, peculiar women.

Check out this work and others at her New York solo debut, up at Bespoke Gallery through the weekend. —Rachel Wolff

Making Cindy Sherman Proud