A surprisingly sane-looking Spears.Photo: Retna
Britney Spears, Bad Liar
“Unfortunately I didn’t get the part.” —Britney Spears, on her claim that her recent umbrella assault was part of her preparation for a film role [Britney Spears]
“It reflects what it’s going to be like for women in the future.” –Shirley MacLaine on the Broadway version of Legally Blonde [NYDN]
“I’ve had hangovers older than you.” —74-year-old Quincy Jones, to a reporter [LAT]
“I’m truly not one to give advice. I’m divorced and I stole my best friend’s husband.” —Denise Richards, when asked if she had any tips for Paris Hilton [People]
“Stupidity and the love of stupidity is universal.” —Matt Groening, on the success of The Simpsons [Times Online]
—Hannah Tucker