quote machine

Werner Herzog Would Watch You Reading the Phone Book

Werner HerzogPhoto: Getty Images

“If you’re purely after facts, please buy yourself the phone directory of Manhattan. It has four million times correct facts.” –Werner Herzog on how he reacts to accusations that he’s taken factual liberties in some of his documentaries [NYT]

“The Artist Formerly Known as Prince should know that with behavior like this, he will soon be the Artist Formerly Available in Record Stores.” —Paul Quirk, co-chairman of the Entertainment Retailers Association, on Prince’s decision to give away free copies of his album in the newspaper [Guardian]

“There’s nothing being marketed to me. At least with spam, I get ads for mortgage loans and Cialis.” —Henry Rollins on being too old for contemporary consumer culture [PopMatters]

“It was such a private pleasure that I wanted to keep it that way … and, anyway, I was selling everything else.” —Leonard Cohen, explaining why he never before considered exhibiting his paintings, which are now on display at a Manchester gallery [Times Online]

“I felt like a donkey.” –Javier Bardem on working with the highly intelligent Natalie Portman [Radar]

Werner Herzog Would Watch You Reading the Phone Book