If this isn’t what Cloverfield looks like, then we’ve got a great idea for a script.Getty Images/AFP (Velociraptor), Courtesy of Paramount (Cloverfield still)
J.J. Abrams’s ‘Cloverfield’: Inside Sources Do Battle
The Cloverfield disinformation campaign appears to be in full swing, with rumors and conjecture lighting up the blogosphere like so much chocolate rain. We told you on Tuesday about Website Dread Central’s inside source, who claimed that J.J. Abrams’s movie would feature — in addition to a larger monster — multiple smaller, “raptor-like” monsters. Then /Film’s two inside sources weighed in, calling the report false.
Now, Dark Horizons’ inside sources are saying that the movie will, in fact, feature raptor-ish monsters, and they’ve passed along this additional (possibly bogus) info:
—All the monsters are carnivores and eat people throughout.
—The smaller monsters grow from scales shed by the big monster.
—There is no back story as such like for “Godzilla” or “The Host”, the big one simply emerges and the present script draft has it ultimately vanishing back into the sea.
—Also don’t expect much in the way of survivors at the end, literally anyone can be killed at any time, including the leads.
If any Cloverfield insiders feel like clearing any of this up, e-mail us at [email protected].
More “1-18-08” Monster Details [Dark Horizons]
Cloverfield/1-18-08: Sources Say The Monster(s) are NOT Raptor-like [/Film]
Exclusive Cloverfield Info! [Dread Central]
Earlier: Will J.J. Abrams’s Cloverfield be a Jurassic Farce?
J.J. Abrams’s ‘Cloverfield’ Wraps — and We’ve Got the Call Sheet That Might Spoil the Ending