Sarah Michelle Gellar in Southland Tales.Courtesy of Samuel Goldwyn Films
‘Southland Tales’ Somehow Gets Even Crazier
Every single thing we read about Richard Kelly’s upcoming Southland Tales gets us more excited for what might be the most apeshit crazy movie ever released. This weekend’s “Arts & Leisure” profile of Kelly didn’t disappoint, yielding lunatic nuggets of new insight into the dystopic comedy-sci-fi-thriller. The best, naturally, is the fact that Sarah Michelle Gellar’s character — an ambitious, entrepreneurial porn star — has a hit song called “Teen Horniness Is Not a Crime,” which Kelly intends to release as a single. Finally, sad fans of the Buffy sing-along have something else to sing along to!
Is this movie going to be awful? The greatest thing ever? And has anyone heard the song? Let us know in the comments!
Booed at Cannes, but Now the Real Test [NYT]
Earlier: ‘Southland Tales’ Trailer Presents World’s Greatest Cast in World’s Weirdest Movie
Fox Shuts Down the ‘Buffy’ Sing-along