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Johnny Depp’s ‘Sweeney Todd’ Performance in No Way Influenced by Actor’s Bollocks
“I just didn’t see the character developing with me doing scales in front of a piano, with a vocal teacher going, ‘No, no — bring it up from the bollocks.”’ —Johnny Depp on why he forwent singing lessons for his role in Sweeney Todd [EW]
“Sharon says to me ‘Just stand there.’ I can’t just fucking stand there! I’m a moving target. People would aim their can of beer at my head!” —Ozzy Osbourne on his live show [Rolling Stone]
“In the middle of the lunch, I said, ‘Oh, shit, I made up a show, and I have a title.’ And that’s when you know you’re dead, when there’s a title.” —Joss Whedon, who fudged his way into having a new series on Fox [EW]
“It’s kind of like the prom, right? You wouldn’t want to admit that you want to go, but you probably secretly want to be asked.” —John Cusack on being nominated for an Oscar [Starpulse]
“I paint large abstract paintings. I’ve never shown any. I just wrap them up when they’re done and store them in a warehouse. I’ll never show them. They’re not good. No one would like them.” —Christopher Walken, low-self-esteem artist [NYP]
—Elizabeth Black