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Tina Fey Launches Public Campaign to Befriend Oprah

Photo: Getty Images

“I want Oprah to play my best friend. I want to spend time with Oprah, and I don’t know what I need to do to make it happen.” Tina Fey on guest stars she’d like to see on 30 Rock [Us]

“There is very little I can say, because there is a Paramount sniper trained on the back of my head as I speak. He’s on a building and I’m not going to look, because he will know I know he is there.” Simon Pegg on why he has to keep quiet about his role as Scotty in the new Star Trek film [Ain’t It Cool]

“When you do a movie like this, a sequel that’s very, very anticipated, people anticipate ultimately that it’s going to be the Second Coming. And it’s not. It’s just a movie.” George Lucas dispelling rumors that Indiana Jones is Jesus Christ [USAT]

“I’ve got a rubber gun at home that looks so real. I’m learning how to spin it.” Sienna Miller on preparing for her role as the Baroness in G.I. Joe [Access Hollywood]

“It’s Carrie Fisher’s bathtub. She’s a friend of mine and it never even occurred to me to tell anybody that that’s where we’re shooting it. But it just so happens that she lives in Bette Davis’s old house. And so it’s one of these great old bathtubs. The bathroom itself is enormous; it’s like the size of a studio apartment. [Fisher] has a piano in it, of course. Naturally. She’s Carrie Fisher, she has a piano in her bathroom.” Craig Bierko on the setting for his Web series Bathing With Bierko [Newsweek]

Tina Fey Launches Public Campaign to Befriend Oprah